
Or, in the case of Inception, leave it on TV.

When are the police going to be brought to justice???

Paid leave???? For murdering someone in front of a crowd of witnesses?  He should be sitting in a cell.

Disgusting, absolutely reprehensible.

I enjoyed Justice League quite a bit. It's a shame more people couldn't find enjoyment in it, because I thought it was cool as hell.

This gets me thinking about how cool it would be to have a football game that allowed for each player to be controlled individually (each by a unique player) through some sort of LAN/Online setup.

Can you imagine being a scriptwriter egotistical enough to have a copy of Terry Pratchett’s Guards! Guards! and Night Watch to hand and thinking, “No, I’m a much, much better writer than Pratchett. I’ll just use the names and make up my own stuff.” The arrogance of it is absolutely breathtaking.

Okay, so far I’ve been “wait and see” about this show and I liked most of the casting choices. The character descriptions were a bit weird, buy I figured maybe they were “the Hollywood elevator pitch”.

just seriously wtf.

Yeah, I’ll pass. The Ankh-Morpork I’ve spent so much time in is just barely this side of farcical. I get that that’s hard to nail when you’re telling cop stories about (mostly) murders, but this gritty stuff just doesn’t remind me of Discworld at all.

They could have just quit Game Of Thrones and let someone else finish it if they wanted out so badly.  But no.  

I think it was less confusing that the magical beings didn’t age, and much more confusing that Jaskier didn’t. (Please don’t quote the 40, 30, 20 thing at me you guys, I know. “Looking young” and “not aging at all in 10 years” are two different things.)

I caught on to the multiple timelines pretty quick, but I will admit that there was a while in the middle where I wasn’t really sure how many timelines were being shown in total, or what was going on in which timeline.

Loved the first season, season 2 kinda killed my interest in this series though.

Now playing

Give the name and potential language barrier implications, this was the first thing to spring to my addled mind:

An STI engine swap would, of course, be neat but I’m just happy with the blue lighting if I’m honest.

me either, thankfully there are always torrents (nope i dont care about pirating it, especially from apple)

This shit looks fucking great. I’m hype.


What a case of the tail is wagging the dog. A minuscule niche of oddballs getting way to much attention.

I still say ladies and gentleman. You can tell me your alphabet soup is normal now but there are only two genders. And thankfully there is nothing you can do to stop me. As it is I have been countering what my teachers fill my kids heads with. I taught my children that the stuff they are learning about multiple

This is a joke, right?