
How did you like binging the show all at once (with no commercials) rather than waiting week to week, and do you think it affected the pacing of the show for better or worse?

I’m said person and I don’t follow esports at all. I’ve tried several times, and while I like some fighting games that are featured in some tournaments, and have found watching the actual match interesting, most of the games that are popular esports I have no interest in/don’t like. To be completely open, furthermore,

These guys getting to do Lovecraft but not Del Toro is a crime

I mean they had twice as long to create season 8, it’s not like they had a week to write it. 

The show isn’t on the list because they didn’t give it the ending it deserved; the show is on the list because they gave it the stupidest ending possible, unearned and implausible character decisions, and shit storytelling. 

The Mandalorian is tad too fan-servicey at times, and at others just kinda dull. It’s not bad, but I certainly don’t think it’s all that special either. Production quality is pretty high, but the show is pretty light on substance.

as someone who still struggles with chronic depression, and who has done a similar thing to the lad in this article trying to escape it, i must interject. video games (and all their associated tasks) as escapism can be a valid way to cope with overwhelming problems. but, taken to this extreme , it will typically lead

Let people enjoy what they like. Most people in the Destiny community consider it a hobby.

Go you I guess?

You’re right. This isn’t body positivity. This feels like somebody starving for validation and willing to circus sideshow herself to get it. This just makes me sad. Somebody has to tell her you don’t have to be on all the time. Just wear regular clothes and enjoy the game.

There’s body positivity and there’s just ridiculousness. There’s fat acceptance and there’s propriety at any size. This ensemble was completely inappropriate for this venue; she was not on a stage! She should have been ticketed for indecent exposure.

the more i read about this person the less i am impressed by her.

Be good little piggies and lick their boots, when they kick shit at you!

Yeah... Emilia Clarke’s expression in the header pic was mine during the last season of Game of Thrones.

I’d much prefer they concentrate on sticking the landing for a series of movies that has been part of our lives for over 40 years.

Prepare to be disappointed, if the leaks prove to be true. The fact that Palps is somehow back, with absolutely no foreshadowing whatsoever, tells you all you need to know. They’re going to stuff this thing with nostalgia and pander all they can to try and win back goodwill from longtime fans after TLJ shit all over

LOL at anyone continuing to give JJ directorial or producer roles on any movie.

Yeah i read this and am just reminded of how bad Disney screwed up by not having some kind of plan for the sequel trilogy. Now let’s watch JJ cram in everything he wishes Rian had done in TLJ. Ugh.

It’s really JJ being lazy. Finn saying he was kidnapped as child and brainwashed into serving was really enough. Poe can just be an ace pilot who loves his droid. And that’s okay! We don’t need to pad the story with this stuff.

But there are a lot of questions about Finn’s past, about Poe’s past, obviously Rey and Kylo, and then some of the new characters we meet.