
A lot of written original material that still results in a crapton of unoriginal movies. I got tired of the Marvel fare shortly after Avengers. You can snap 50% of their movies out of existence and nothing will be lost - same formula with slightly different coat of paint, I stop thinking about them an hour after

Heh. I dropped the show maybe halfway into the Gary/Mona season where Biff wants to open some sort of amusement park? The show was great in S2-3, but 4 dropped the ball again (or was that 5?). Glad to see I made the right choice, G+M were insufferable and we were barely getting any moments with the fan faves such as

Problem is Batman is a crazy unrealistic character. He’s the world’s best detective, proficient in however many forms of martial arts, who’s trained all his life, etc. If RPatz is not comfortable working out to a standard buff level (not steroid-taking-crazy-pecs level), he shouldn’t have taken the role. I’m not

Still trash made by someone who’s not into the books at all. They took the name and that was it. Hope this bombs hard, so hard that a second season isn’t even considered.

They cranked out FFs every two years on average until XI and they were all mostly great. The shitshow started with the merger.

Should be Jak or Crash, too bad those franchises aren’t resurrected.

Why? The BvS Director’s cut improved that turd a lot, even if it couldn’t fix the underlying issues of terrible Lex Jr and his stupid plan. The first half had much better pacing and the added scenes were good. It went from like a 4 to about a 7/10.

I will defend his Musketeers movie forever. It was a ton of fun, everyone knew what they were in for and were gloriously chewing the scenery, most of all Orlando Bloom. The fight scenes were nicely choreographed and the action sequences with a bunch of airships and steampunk shit were looking pretty most of the time.

It’s not the look that I have a problem with, it’s all the other changes. This is only The Watch by name, nothing else. Pretty much all IRL and internet fans I’ve spoken to think this will be a terrible adaptation.

This series is going to be trash. Rhianna Pratchett has distanced herself from the adaptation as much as possible, most of the changes they’ve made are pretty shit and this is the Watch only by name. Terry deserves better than this.

I don’t know if I’d call it reasonable - it was pretty bad, but then again I’ve been bored with the CW shows for a few years now and stopped watching them. The 22 episode format really hurts them, the writing is laughable since they just have to fill out so much time and 70-80% of the episodes is trash that can be

I don’t see any reason to shit on Fallout or TWD. Fallout is a great series even if it got kinda screwed in the latest couple of installments. TWD the tv show was good in the first 4-5 seasons (I mean overall, it had weak moments in them too) and the Telltale games were mostly praised even if they had repetitive

It’s a doomed idea because of one thing: nobody can focus on 5-6 different picture-in-pictures and the main ‘center screen’ view at the same time. It would be pointless to have other narratives playing off the side of your view when your eyes focus on the one you actually want to watch. That’s not even counting

This looked worth seeing from the very first trailer that hit a couple of years ago. I was pissed with all the delays because this looked like a sure hit. It should have been released back then, I don’t know how much they’d spend on marketing for it now. At least it’s coming out.

So is this a sponsored post? If it is, shouldn’t it be mentioned?

Didn’t like how they outright named Inaros and told (broadly) his full backstory with Naomi from the start. It wasn’t even needed this season. He could have been one of the pissed off OPA we meet in 1-2 scenes and then have the full reveal in S5E1.

I don’t get how some people still don’t see the issues. It was not about unable to meet high expectations of finishing the story, so much from the books was cut it was impossible to have the same ending.

With you on The Dark Crystal. After all the praise here I gave it a shot - it’s a children’s show that is pretty and well made, but the story was lacking and a lot of the dialogues were a bit painful to listen to. Kinda like The Dragon Prince. The amount of times the skexis went ‘hmmmmmmmm!’ at the end of some

The Boys was a top 3 series of the year. Watching regular old superhero shows can’t cut it anymore, most of them are too basic. This show nailed the tone, story, casting and production so well. The comic was nowhere near this good.