
Those last few links you mentioned are basically the info responsible for me never trying SSRIs. I tried 3 therapists and 1 lighter form of pills (fluanxol) of which I still asked if there’s a shot of crossing my wires. So far nothing’s worked reliably, but I keep smoking the bud and I know for sure it helps when I’m

So it’s normal to you to sink in 6 hours every day for a year on Destiny? Otherwise agree on the rest.

I’ve been in his spot and to a certain extent I still am, but I try to always be active. The day I lock myself up for all-day every day gaming I know shit is back to the worst I’ve ever had it. Having several different things you can do instead of rooting yourself in one place is good. If you can do outdoor activities

The point is to have fun and throw it aside when you get bored - not grind for 10 full literal weeks (1672 hrs!) to get imaginary trophies for sitting on your ass, mechanically doing the same missions until you reach 20K kills or 5K headshots or whatever. You should be happy you grew out of repetitive online games by

This whole ‘let them both say their story and let the audience choose who to side with’ thing is complete bullshit if they follow their story as from the books. Dude blows up a ship and kills I don’t remember how many thanks to her help, he manipulates her and uses her son as leverage. Good luck keeping it ambiguous.

For that kind of cash I’d expect them to throw an artbook in. The back cover could have been a bigger artwork spanning all 3 with more characters thrown in, like Sokka, Zuko, Iroh and another bigger character or two. The special features are worth it, but you can probably get them digitally for less than the physical

That show was pretty good for its time. One of the underrated ones of the early 00s.

I can already imagine those boxsets collecting dust forever and ever, since nobody gives two shits anymore after that final season.

ARR’s rebuild was more than just ‘re-calibrating and re-arranging everything’ as if they were just updating some balance values. Maybe they didn’t have to rebuild half or more of the foundations the way Anthem needs to do now, but they had to rework big parts of it and add a lot of good new content on top to make it

I don’t mind them, I just want them to raise their game. They are super basic and predictable story-wise, with the same flat cinematography, same interchangeable soundtracks, same breezy tone where half the people still throw quips during situations of supposed disaster. I was into them in phase 1, by the middle of

There will always be an exception or two, this could be for Netflix what Game of Thrones was for HBO. They will rely on this to attract new subs for quite awhile. They have a ton of shows, but need 2-3 examples to point to and say ‘this is essential viewing’ in addition to the 1000 other shows available.

They didn’t try though, not really. They cut 90% of the last two books because the scope was ‘too big’ and then took a dump on a few pages for the last couple of seasons.

That’s almost certainly the case, as GRRM exited the show in S4 and things went south from S5 onward. That’s when the big changes started too, with one eye on easy resolution of the White Walkers storyline - in the books there is no Night King, so they can’t just stab one dude and have every wight fall apart.

WTF is wrong with people like you? You do know how much they cut, right? They wanted it over and done long before it ended, the story barely made sense in the last few seasons. Here’s everything they cut:

Well, I hope they give Mick something to do next season. Reinvent him somehow while still keeping him as a bruiser, but just give him more to do. Season 4 kinda sucked a bit. I could use much less Gary and Mona, preferably none of them. It’s getting harder to allocate time for CW shows with gems like Doom Patrol

LOL, it’s 2 goals now. Hope he gets a hat trick.

*deleting clone comment because Kinja was being fucky.

They can easily just add grey to their hair and some light believable aging makeup, since at that time it would be kinda expected for them to look okay even in their 60s. Average age was said to be 120 for earthers & mars, if belters had better living conditions and medicine, they’d raise their ~70 year average too.

Harley is a much bigger culturally known character than BoP. She is big among all the nerds in the world with basic knowledge of who Batman is. The others pale in comparison and the CW shows are not exactly a selling point. They are not remotely as popular as Harley ever was, just facts. I have nothing against BoP and

There are enough good parts in that movie to warrant a watch, I think. Most of the characters were entertaining and their scenes together make the movie. The issues were the Enchantress villain and the generic sky rift climax that became so common at one point. Otherwise action was on point and at least half the jokes