
It was Carragher’s testimonial (retirement honoration in a non-competitive game) - he had a dream to score for his boyhood club (Everton) and ‘stole’ the goal after they got a penalty. It was all just for show.

5'7" with his stilted shoes or not?

Badly dubbed kung fu is a precious gift that more people should experience.

Oh, I understand and respect the other side. Most dubs I’ve heard were barely passable at best and hilarious garbage at worst, but it’s good more of them are getting better.

Always found that take interesting. How slow should you read to miss the visuals? I guess the sub crowd never really watched anime, only read a VO-ed novel with the occasional image slipping through when there’s no dialogue. Come on. Are you against subbed movies? If a good movie which interests you is never dubbed,

I didn’t notice issues when being hit or touching an enemy out of distance, just giving an example to differentiate the main problem. If enemy collision was sucky, the game would have been almost unplayable compared to the original. This convo has kinda made me wish to try it out again and see if I can get used to it.

Being sort of redundant for extra clarity, most who haven’t played it don’t know what kind of hitbox issues there are - getting hit from farther than you should be or slipping off an edge are different things. But yes. I reached the bridge level, I kinda remember being totally flatlined and rageless by that point.

Maybe excellent visual remaster, which can and did bring in some new fans. Not so excellent to those used to the old feeling and proper precise controls. I was used to making all kinds of jumps off the very end of ledges, now in 50% of cases I just drop to my death. When you die more in Crash than in Dark Souls, it’s a

The remaster definitely sucks for fans well-experienced with the originals. Well, most of them, I know some people liked it nonetheless.

Glad you didn’t have issues with it. Personally I still haven’t touched the game after finding out just how different it feels. The changes are minor, but so affecting. I am honestly sorry I didn’t wait a week after release to hear impressions. Still glad I gave some money in hopes they sort out the rights/issues and

For you it should be perfect. The slippery edges and hitbox issues won’t drive you mad as it has others (ex: me). The game is otherwise faithfully recreated if we exclude the frequent dying due to the above. For someone who’s memorized the games down to twitchy muscle memory it could be jarring, for you it shouldn’t

The Wire used no tricks, the original scenes were shot in a wider frame and cropped to fit 4:3 back in the day. With the remaster they scanned the film in its proper 16:9 resolution - not sure if they ever had to cut around objects in the side-frame.

Well worth watching, it’s serious sci-fi and has a good arc planned out. It won’t crap itself out like BSG did in its latter seasons. The first season is slow, but it’s necessary. Stick it out and you’ll probably be hooked by the end of S1. S2 and 3 are great. Great enough to get me hooked on the books, so I don’t

Mediocre at best album from a simpleton that got a pornstar pregnant and then tried hiding it until he got exposed. Any excuse about the blackface? Diss reply to Pusha T? Anything else but boring raps about how sad he is?
I really hoped he was still deluded enough to come back with a diss attempt. Hearing Push bury

Hahahah, more people watch Peaky Blinders than those who would watch a good Batman tv show? Wow, you’re deluded. I think it can be made well - it will be somewhat expensive but will be watched by a ton of people if it’s quality.

I like Wright as much as the next nerd, but some people need to learn to let go of their idols’ nutsacks every once in a while. Baby Driver was forgettable - it had precicely one good chase scene and a few needledrops sprinkled into a mediocre movie, nothing else.
Saying this as someone who can rewatch Shaun of the

It definitely can, they’ve had some great fight-oriented episodes before, but fewer of them stand out. We’ll probably get 1 great episode for 3 mediocre ones.

Last season sounded good on paper but as soon as the team cracked it went downhill fast. It was just extremely botched. How could the writers not figure out the script sucked and the new team looked terrible in it is beyond me. Otherwise I liked them and they had promise, even if some of them weren’t used well.

He can’t summon competent people out of thin air and most of the city officials are highly corrupt, so I guess he’s stuck with what he has. At least it’s certain if it wasn’t for him the city would have been leveled a few times by now. It’s something.

Who cares about crappy day 1 cam rips, very few people actually watch the movies that way. Most who want to pirate just wait for the Blu Ray or VOD rips, by that time whoever was willing to pay for the ticket has done it.