
It cost well over 200M with the reshoots, add another 150M or so for marketing. Consider it’s made 343M worldwide up to this point, it’s already slowing down a lot and studios take about 50% on average from the gross. For a Star Wars movie the number is probably higher, but the pure profit from its theatrical run is

Yes, but then it would have to be in a world where mutants have already lived for decades, since a ton of characters won’t have their backstory otherwise. Setting things back after IW is one thing, setting things back and adding an entire new universe where mutants, mutant facilities and government which has dealt

He wasn’t serious.

No thanks, some silver age stuff should remain there. Including the goofiest vision of someone being perfectly visible in a supposed invisible jet.
If they do add an invisible jet, I’m sure it would be a regular jet that can cloak both itself and everyone in it, as it should.


What’s the point in having lvl 250 char? 120 seems more than enough to keep things challenging, even until NG7. You can have enough points for close to soft cap on 2 offensive stats and still have good health and endurance. I did a jack of all trades character once and 125 levels was satisfying enough to keep. 250

Good, keep spreading the weirdness. I need to do a pvp and gravelord focused playthrough, until now I’ve been mostly about PvE and some pvp on the side in the most popular spots.

Roberto Martinez is Belgium’s weak spot, he can sink them easy. I give them semi-finals at most. How did they hire him as coach is beyond me. He does improve some clubs at first before inevitably failing, so maybe the WC will be short enough for him to do well before he has time to mess things up.

Should be, and apparently it’s ‘fixed’ so it happens more often. I am a bit on the fence on it, I have the PC and PS3 versions but would drop some cash for the increased online presense.

This worked in NG+ I think, players from the gravelord covenant could invade your world and leave something like a summon sign while there. A bunch of beefed up enemies looking like red invaders (black knights, other toughs) get spawned into your area in addition to the already present enemies. They do more damage,

I think it was present and possible before the remaster, at least from what I read about it. It was just rare and I’m not sure what was the deal, was there something broken or not. They didn’t make it clear at all.

Pusha is a master of the art at least for me. He may be limited in his theme and do only coke rap, but he does it masterfully, and his ability to do wordplay, metaphors and plain old burn anybody else is as high as it can get.
Drake though... radio puppy.

We’re arguing cemantics now so it’s not a big deal, but not every battle has to be a freestyle either. Battling on wax as Nas and Jay-z or many others did is perfectly fine - you can write up your rhymes and do as much touch-ups as you want. What counts is when everybody else hears it. It’s not a 1v1 in the club.

Well, it’s so obscure and the requirements to making it happen to you are all down to luck. I only play in human mode when I do pvp or want to kill the NPC invaders in each area. If I played as non-hollow all the time I guess chances of someone else online dying with humanity near me would be a bit higher. Most

What’s the damn problem? The movie was actually pretty fun to watch.

The corporate drama itself was boring, but the Meachums almost made me like parts of that show. Everything else around them and Coleen Wing was terrible. Tom Pelphrey was MVP of that wretched series as Ward. Too bad the series stunk overall, but he still came out smelling or roses IMO.

I am mostly pissed I’ve never seen a Vagrant. I randomly found about it while fucking around on the Souls wiki. Accomplished almost everything I care for in these games, but never ever met one of those. Also never been gravelorded, another big miss for me.

Still great if you loved it before and if you’re not turned off by how dated it looks (or the camera). I replay them occasionally every few years.

What makes a truly good game? For a platformer it was very charming, had a great hook with the TV genre parody levels and everything was great fun except the camera. :) Not sure why it didn’t become more popular - could have been a bit more polished, but still a very fun game, which makes it great IMO.