
Obvious joke is obvious.

I love that game, I loved even the crap camera which killed you on numerous occasions. Learning to control it or switching directions on the fly to maintain course when it tried to screw you over seemed like a skill in itself. It’s not the most popular platformer, but for me it’s close to the Crashes and Jak & Daxters

I’m not even from the US and I know a freestyle is just spitting spontaneous bars over a beat, in the moment. It doesn’t have to be a battle rap, they can just bring you up on the radio for album promotion or an interview and ask you to freestyle. It can be any topic, it can be just boastful rhymes with clever

Let’s hope he didn’t. It was the most entertaining thing in rap in the last few years and I personally wish to see how much deeper can Pusha bury him in case he fires back a (very late) reply.

Nas worked with him, Kudi too, not to mention all the people he’ll keep making beats for. Kanye is a bipolar asshole who has no idea/doesn’t care what he’s saying most of the time - you can shit on him all you want, but people will keep working with him until he does worse. I don’t think he’s mentioned anything

Wow, I never expected an article from nickel-nine here.
Royce, in the off-chance you read this:

Has anyone ever given a shit about Oprah after her show went off the air? It’s not like she’s a popular actress or showrunner. What’s she gonna do? The only option I see is some sort of talk show again. And god forbid she features hacks like Dr Phil or Dr Oz again.

I agree, some of the tracks are good but most of them are not memorable (IMO). If I want to download the OST to listen to separately that’s when I know the score’s been great.

I think it’s just a thematic choice, their music choices are just like their cinematography and with small exceptions like most of their movies - bland and samey. I want them to do better in many aspects because right now there’s nothing ambitious about these movies beyond tying them into the larger narrative. Problem

They’re okay. Still doesn’t prevent me from thinking if I pull up the original scores for these movies and just put them in a playlist while cleaning my apartment, they’d just melt together in a vaguely bland fashion. I’d recognize a few of the songs if I listened to them enough, but most of them can be switched from

Are you really interested, or just fishing for DC-bashing comments?

I remember it being okay, but forgetting all of it except a couple of memorable cues after the movie ended. It’s not bad, it’s not exactly bland, but... Has there really been any memorable score you made an effort to listen to outside of watching the movie? Thinking of it now I can only remember a section or two of

First season was amazing, but it also felt like it knew where it was going. I started watching season 2 and dropped it 2 episodes in. A bunch of nonsense, people with baskets on their head and android girls with mustaches for no reason. Also, slow, unfocused, headed nowhere. I will finish the season, but at least the

It is on game mode. Issues were caused by reworking the entire game with a different engine and the hitboxes being rounder around the edges. If before you could make a series of perfect precise jumps and landed on Crash’s shoe, it would still count and he will stand on the damn edge by his damn shoe. Now all it takes

Not mad, but extremely disappointed? Haven’t picked it up again after noticing the issues (and then reading about them everywhere, so I’m not the only one turned off by it) - maybe someday. Tried pushing through to see if I get used to it, but that shit just breaks up my flow. On an emulator I can still go through

Ouch. Haven’t had the ‘pleasure’. That sounds almost unplayable.

But will it have absolutely garbage hitboxes and frequent unintended sliding off edges? Crash was such a disappointment I am pissed at giving them my money. I’d rather play it on an emulator. Never buying a remaster blindly until I know what they fucked up first. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Spyro anyway (great games

Right? When it comes to respect from the hardcore scene he is dead and buried. The diss track was barely registered among his casual fans, so his corny ass won’t lose much. He will always be radio-friendly, with being biracial and having what they call ‘sensitive and introspective’ raps. Ugh.

This will probably be my next car, I absolutely love the way it looks. The mileage numbers are not bad for AWD from their official specs. How is yours in the city and on the highway? I want to know what to expect since I’ll probably buy one with ~150K km on the clock, obviously broken in. Considering the awd TSI too