
I preferred the movie ending, the squid made no sense even back then. Fight me.

It’s a streaming service, and if I’m not mistaken the prices are still a bitch.

I have fond memories of Tiny Toons from when I was a kid. I thought it was a smartly written kids show. It’s set in the same universe but it’s doing its own thing, what’s the big deal?

He was boring too.

You know, I said to someone awhile back a spinoff in Yi Ti set a few thousand years back would be awesome. They can make it a fantasy twist on Into The Badlands - martial arts with small or large armies between rival princes (“the land of a thousand gods and a hundred princes...”) set in a realm with magic. Political

Wow. I feel like we’re finally living in the new golden age of PC gaming. So many games that in previous years would be exclusives getting ported, including JRPGs and other niche games. At this point I am keeping my PS4 for the exclusives it has, but the rest of my library is mostly on PC. I bought PC ports which I’ve

Just stop, okay? I am a white male, just donated to the gofundme campaign to restore his belongings and get him a few more extra things. The blind hate toward anyone white makes you just as much as an asshole as the racist fuck part of the population. Don’t turn into what you hate.

The world is overpopulated anyway. Fuck that asshole and everyone like him. Sometimes one act is enough to judge someone, this asshole deserves to be the homeless one. Or to be hit by a car.

LOL, yes. I always confuse The Last Story and Lost Odyssey. The one exclusive off those platforms I really wanted.

Not throwing shade at this game, it definitely proves JRPGs can still be great. That being said, the genre had hit a slump at one point. I am still a bit pissed there is almost 0 progress or imagination when it comes to the usual tired tropes.

Pretty much same. I got an X360 for The Last Story and this, but now I’ll just wait for the better version. Oh, it will have English voices, but even if it doesn’t subs are fine.

Combat was nice and it’s not a bad game, it just didn’t grab me. Maybe one day I’ll finish it, we’ll see.

Only thing I can say is I’d buy one if they make one.

It will definitely be better. Outside of the neat combat there was nothing about that game that grabbed me.

I hope for a sequel too, but this looks great as well. Maybe they will do BB2, but I’m fine waiting another couple of years as long as it’s as amazing as the first one.

Not sure how it was damn good - I dropped it around the lightning-spewing lion boss, never started it up again. It was just boring, nothing engaged me beyond the combat. When that combat is against like 3-5 palette-swapped enemy types the whole game, it gets dull fast. Environments were pretty but soulless, the story

Saw it on TheVerge - PS4, Xbox and PC.

Too bad, this was the most entertaining thing in rap in the last few years. Drake got buried and it must really hurt him, since he will always be a chart topper but the one thing he wants most is the respect of the hardcore crowd. He is dead to the scene now. Pusha was always a rapper’s rapper. Too bad Drake’s camp

Opened that trailer just to immediately downvote it.

So how long will people randomly bitch about a tiny minority of fans that screamed at some McDs employees? The show is good and most of its fans are okay, so enough with this.
Are the Star Wars fans that hounded KMT from Instagram suddenly overshadowing what the entire movie series is? Are you going to bitch about it