
From someone going through the same more or less, be strong and keep fighting for yourself.

No point arguing over this in any way - I don’t remember seeing quotes saying he liked it. I remember him esentially saying Kanye insisted on it and he couldn’t be arsed to object him. Kanye paid for it and said “This should be the artwork”. He owns GOOD Music.
Whatever, the bathroom pic is not a big deal for me, it’s

If you’re referring to the bathroom pic, this was picked by Ye. Direct any outrage to Kanye, because Push had no word in it.

ArsTechnica and TheVerge do it for me, even if I still visit Giz/io9.

Kinda bummed this is over. Who is Kanye to put an end to this? It was the most entertaining thing to come out of rap in the last decade. Drake’s credibility (the little he had) was killed, his baby mama and son exposed, his Adidas deal ruined, his people scrambling to do damage control. He won’t lose too much money

*Nothing* is off-limits in a rap diss. You think whatever you want, but Pusha going further and further with almost every bar was what made this diss track so good. You could feel the fire getting hotter by the second.
Drake is the only bitch here, Push schooled him and he has all his people on damage control. Fucker

Yes, because chart-topping always guarantees quality. I guess Soulja Boy and whoever the fuck was popular a few years ago was quality too? Nothing against watered-down rap, plenty of people like it. Still, I’d rather have all the Clipse + Pusha albums on repeat.
For the record, I don’t hate Drake, I just think he’s way

It’s not a good analogy because Curry actually has amazing ability. Drake is a fine radio rapper, but he’s not even close to the lyric levels of Push. He will always sell more, but if he seriously goes into battle against him expecting to win, he’s deluded.
This is like watching a cat playing with its prey, slapping

You are crazy if you don’t think Push is a Great already. It was obvious to me after Clipse dropped Lord Willin’ they were going to be huge if they kept at it. His brother retired, but Pusha became one of the best rappers of his time, even if he doesn’t sell as much as Drake. His only limitation is he raps about the

If there was anything good about the previous movie, it’s Michael Jai White. He hasn’t aged at all, they should have gotten him back for it.

Haha, I forgot about that one. I remember mildly enjoying it in all its trashy, slo-mo wreck glory while at a layover hotel after a delayed flight. Fun times (not really). As for Keira - ironic, considering she would be a good pick for Domino too.

Not really. At least 4-5 other studios can produce big budget movies. The only other good thing about this is they are trying to make a mid-budget fantasy movie. Fantasy and Sci-Fi in the 40-100M range is almost extinct. It’s either small-scale or wannabe blockbuster.

As far as I’m concerned these games have no characters or story, it’s just fighting giant monsters in lush settings. It’s perfect for whatever adaptation they do, as long as there’s people fighting beasts and the signature weapons of the series.

Dredd (2012) barely got made, and it happened just because of its ‘low’ 50M budget. True, it’s not like a 5M horror, but it’s lower-mid at best. That’s small potatoes for a giant action movie filled with SFX. Tell me you think Monster Hunter can be done for 50M. We’ll probably see the best moments in the trailer. If

I fully agree, I was just saying that’s exactly what he makes - every once in a while he does a good, if flawed movie; then he goes on to garbage like the latest RE movies. The first one still holds up though.

Believe it or not I saw it (3 Musketeers) at the theater with a group of friends - we had great fun, but we knew what to expect when going in. It was the same as watching Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, ridiculousness with actors chewing the scenery and having fun. The action and effects were nicely done for what they

What’s wrong with not calling him the worst of the worst? Some of those movies were fun. He’s an okay low budget genre director.

I am not against this, but I am one of the people who like some nice B-movies. Paul WS Anderson doesn’t deserve to be compared to Uwe Boll. He is a competent director choosing to work on B-fare, nothing wrong with that. Listed below are movies I’ve enjoyed to a varying degree.
Great for what they were: Mortal

Check out the Three Musketeers by the same director. Legitimately great steampunk shlock, light-hearted heroic period fantasy. He is a capable director working on budget movies with sometimes crap script.

I’ve been aware of my own depression for maybe 10 years now. I think I’m mentally strong and for a long time I put up a good front, even if that front was of a slightly bored and understated individual. Until recently I was managing it on the down low, but a couple of months ago I felt like I finally needed to