
Same goes for anyone who bashes Rick and Morty because of the few vocal nutcases who screeched at some McDs employees..


No, the pre-coma one with the detective agency, the actress and blackmail shit. It had its moments, but it was mainly dull. I am struggling to remember any real details, it was so forgettable I haven’t had the desire to rewatch it.

Well, it was definitely more frantic and actiony, while the best word I can think of to describe the PI season would be ‘languid’. Crazier Cheryl and Pam, more jokes that mostly land. It’s honestly a top 3 season for me when I think about it.

Yeti, you say...

70 goddamn episodes?! F YEAH! Let’s get riggidy-riggidy rekt, son!
On a serious note, I can easily wait for the next season, as long as it maintains the level. I thought this was one of those shows where the creator ends it after like 5 seasons max, but this is amazing news.

You know, I like the meaningful stuff - but if it’s wrapped in a thick layer of boring, I’d rather watch Archer Vice again. More than half the episodes of S7 felt slow and tedious, while I laughed at some jokes overall it was disappointing. Worst Archer season is still good TV, but the best Archer seasons are top TV.

It’s possible I missed some stuff in the background, only watched the movie once. I wouldn’t expect highly advanced Wakanda to look like any generic current African country, which outside the royal palace and the tech-cave, it did. Either way this is too much discussion over designs. They may look off to me, but not

Vice and S6 were still great IMO. The PI season was the worst.

Still better than the P.I. season. Damn, that was dull AF.

Then why wasn’t it portrayed like that, with wooden skyscrapers with greenery on every floor and open park spaces every few floors, like we see in a ton of optimistic future imaging? You have ultra-technology in one place and then rural village-looking spots with markets sitting on bare dirt, every other stand looking

WTF was even the point of emailing such a question?
TL;DR: I had a fun date, my work prevented me from seeing this girl after that. 2 months later I got a stable job and can finally find the time for dating. Should I call/text?
A fart in your general direction for wasting everybody’s time, OP. Obviously every single

Some of the designs weren’t too logical, but it’s tough to do futuristic version of present day cultures. It’s very strange to imagine Wakandans had tech advanced enough to cloak their country from the world, have super-maglev trains and whatnot, then in other scenes you see thatched huts, grass skirts or a dude with

I fucking hate this so much. I’m in my early 30s and been more of a loner with the same tight social circle for a long time. A year or two ago it started to bother me how my friends are all the same old people who did nothing new for years. I need to find new friends and meet new people, but it’s so frustrating at

Skip Defenders, it was boring and pointless. Just watch JJ S2 - I expected it to be slower and more unfocused based on some early reviews, but it was about on the same level as the first season, just different.

I fully agree and I didn’t mention anything about legitimate need to work overtime or two jobs if there’s no other option. If you have mortgages and kids, sure, you do what you gotta do until you find something better. My small rant was pointed to someone whose tone came off as ‘nothing wrong with killing yourself

Sucks to be you then. For how long have you worked 70-90 hours per week and does it bring you that much more money? You have no time to spend it, you probably look like you get no sleep and I can’t imagine much of a social life when you spend 12 hours every day working. You are not the smart guy pulling himself up by

Must have had one too many when typing this out.

Well, obviously. What was the whole point. From some of the people here it would seem deadnaming is an act on par with assault.
The same point was originally made by Gervais (using his old name depending on context) and started outrage-stoking articles to begin with. Nobody who’s not an asshole would refer to her now

I watched the special, still found it fun. While I found the whole bit a little crass, are we supposed to pretend CJ was not named Bruce in the past and had success in sports events? Are we supposed to wipe out (then)his decathlons and Olympic accomplishments from the face of history? I wouldn’t call her Bruce now,