
Be prepared for the slowest burn, but at some point you will fall in love with the characters and the stories being told. It’s one of the most realistic and well-written shows ever made.

Justice League was good, it suffered because of the BvS and Suicide Squad backlash. People just didn’t turn up and it wouldn’t have mattered how good the movie was or wasn’t. I would rewatch it again and I’ve seen it twice. I can’t say the same about Ultron, Civil War, Dr.Strange and other Marvel fare. They release

Yeah, I didn’t know Whose Line ran for 10 UK and 13 US seasons just because the performers enjoyed their work. Damn generous of the networks to let them do their thing with those abysmal ratings. /s

I had 0 problems with the farm scene, yet the movie left me feeling ‘meh’ at best and I forgot most of it 1 day after watching it. I have no desire to see it again.

*Ain’t nobody got time for that* meme. Best way to avoid fixing spelling mistakes is not making them in the first place. But if they were typing on a mobile, it’s not a big deal.

Has anyone else, while reading articles like this, just fantasized of the best possible way to torture and painfully end those shitbags? Like, this doesn’t even concern me as a non-US citizen, but those putrid excuses for humans deserve the worst possible death they can get. I am thinking of scaphism.

And who defined the 3rd season as bad? You? Some folks thought it’s weaker, others like me are wondering WTF is wrong with people since I can’t find that much of a difference. “The show became shit in season 3!!1" is the definition of hyperbole.

Everyone talks about toxic fans, yet here you are, a toxic hater. You literally have no reason to say any of this bullshit, since 99% of the show’s fans did not go apeshit over the stupid-ass sauce and none of them harassed a writer either. I enjoy the show, it’s one of the few smart shows around, and not because of

Sorry, one never knows and I’m just too lazy to write he/she. Keep on gaming and all the best!

Heh, funny how one can still notice things years after first playing the game. I never looked into basilisk corpses so close as to notice the tiny eyes off the side of the mouth. I always thought the giant eyes are eyes and the curse breath comes form the inflatable sack under its mouth.

He meant the everlasting dragon (giant stone dragon in ash lake), not the undead dragons one of which you find in the Painted world.

He is an idiot for having the most ridiculous name just to get attention. What kind of a stupid cunt do you have to be to act like a sad troll in real life? If I were a part of that Science Party, I’d be embarrassed to have him in the ranks. Nobody would take them seriously if they knew this fucker was a member.


Dude, can you imagine Wiseau as Raiden? I’d buy that for a dollar.

Boy, you’re into some kinky shit. Or do you actually know someone who just randomly shared this about himself?

Eastern European accent may sound a bit like Russian, but it’s generally a normal logical accent. This guy is something else and trying to place this... I just can’t, it’s too random. Source: am Bulgarian, can speak English with no noticeable accent, many of my friends and colleagues can too.

Maybe it was a nice and fun experience, you don’t know how it was for him. I haven’t heard much about Cage in his personal life, but he may be great to hang around. At least Gone in 60 was a fun movie. Thor 2 was horseshit and who knows how many were there just for the paycheck. Definitely Stellan Skarsgard and Idris

I am SO mad I didn’t think of this while reading the article. Such things evade me too often. :D

Anime may have been thought of as nerdy or loser-y back in the 70s/80s, but it’s not been like that since at least the 90s or early 2000s. It’s a great medium, but it IS a niche interest to most people outside the countries it originates from. It’s slightly mainstream now, but not enough to not be niche. It has some

all of them

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What type of drugs do you do? And what you do to get your hands on your shit, mothafucka?