
Tedious and cheap overlap sometimes. He is a really easy boss, but you have to watch our for the meteor shower and spiders jumping headfirst into you, since that’s close to one-hit kill. True, you can run around a bunch, dodge the meteor shower and the spiders, yet get greedy and take a spider + AOE before hitting

I’d recommend stopping before Lower Loran and doing the DLC before the Cursed/Defiled chalices and further. Otherwise you’d be overleveled, have killer gems and probably ace the DLC much faster than you are supposed to. If you’re around 80-100, that’s fine, any higher and it’s overkill.

It’s natural to have different people be better disposed to certain bosses, but then again some bosses are easy and predictable (Cleric Beast and any large ones that pivot slowly), others are hard because they have cheap attacks covering lots of space and doing huge damage (Rom, Laurence), third ones are very hard but

That’s what usually limits me from using parries much, but in subsequent playthroughs I force myself to use them when having trouble with other tactics - I know I should be better with them and it would make the game easier. It’s surprising how often that’s true, so people should give it more of a shot. It can take a

Weird AF. I’m a series vet too, but Ludwig took me like 25 tries, same as Orphan. They are relentless and give you few openings, so you have to learn to dodge through their attacks, judge your distance constantly and know just how many hits to get in before dodging away expecting their next attacks. Victory seems

Sorry bro, but this sounds like grade-A bullshit. Your first ever playthrough, and you did not get hit ONCE by Amelia and Ludwig took you only 2 tries? LOL, ok. You definitely got hit at least once if you don’t know the boss enemy patterns yet. 2 tries on Ludwig, with his huge number of ridiculous attacks and almost 0

I already replayed it recently with a skill+bloodtinge build, may jump in again later with an arcane build. Too bad the arcane is so undercooked, but a Kos Parasite build with 60 Arcane may be super fun. I hope there’s still a 120lvl meta so PvP is active again, but I may have to wait for all the new players to catch

Well, the best thing you can do is run around the map until you manage to lure one of them closer while 2 are left behind. Wail on him until they catch up, run around and repeat until 2 are left. After that it’s easier. The large tombstone can be circled around and you can charge attack them or get 1-2 quick hits as

True, there were very few quests outside the main line. I didn’t mind it, but I’d definitely appreciate more in the sequel. The game is the opposite of something like Skyrim where you have a ton of sidequests, some of them very interesting and keeping you engaged wandering tiny settlements and random landmarks that

True, there were very few quests outside the main line. I didn’t mind it, but I’d definitely appreciate more in the sequel. The game is the opposite of something like Skyrim where you have a ton of sidequests, some of them very interesting and keeping you engaged wandering tiny settlements and random landmarks that

I was surprised at how easy Gwyn is to parry on my second run and onwards. His attacks are relentless, but the swings are not that quick. If you’ve beaten him before and remember his timing, parries are much easier to pull off. Same thing happened more recently with Lady Maria and first phase of the Orphan.

What giant dragon are you referring to? My memory evades me now, but I remember you could kill the tutorial boss that usually beats you before you go to the Nexus (but that wasn’t a dragon). The only dragons I can remember in the beginning areas were the one on the hill guarding some loot and the one chasing you

What giant dragon are you referring to? My memory evades me now, but I remember you could kill the tutorial boss that usually beats you before you go to the Nexus (but that wasn’t a dragon). The only dragons I can remember in the beginning areas were the one on the hill guarding some loot and the one chasing you


‘edit the land’ got me laughing in the middle of the office, good job sir. From now on landscaping shall be known as land-editing.

I doubt critics are heaping blind praise on these shows, most of them have the same critique - too little material stretched out into a full series. I don’t remember them praising 2nd half of LC or the entirety of Iron Fist. Even Defenders took slack for trying to be the Avengers of the tv universe, but ending up a

I would honestly do that for all the MarvelFlix shows, plus some other shows (TWD would go down from 8 seasons to 4 at max), but it’s too time-consuming and I get nothing in return.

She is nothing in the movies. If I have to read a damn tie-in book to make sense of a botched character in the movie, it means whoever wrote the script failed. Movies are movies, books are books and they should be fully realized on their own.

Regarding point 2 there is plenty of evidence, plenty of videos, plenty of victims. The fact neither of the killers has been sentenced and in almost all cases there’s been evidence tampering doesn’t look good for you guys. I am sure there are lots of good officers, but most of the world already knows some (and that’s