
It’s the same pitch, modern players work fine that way. I’ve put tedious/boring episodes on 1.1/1.2 speed often.

Good to see it has paid off a bit, after all this time. The XIII trilogy is not complete shit, but it’s stunning how much of a mess it is. If it was any non-brand JRPG, it would have been massacred in reviews and the few good bits would have been mentioned among all the panning. Doesn’t mean there aren’t good bits,

Weird. People either love or absolutely hate that episode and I have no idea why. I loved it, since it was a dumb throwaway idea taken to such outrageous levels it’s amazing. The roaches and rats part was hilarious, then it goes on an insane Die Hard tribute and on top of that the therapist scenes brought some meaning

Are you just hating on the show or think there were better scenes from it that could have been on the list?

What a cunt you are. The dude just said he hasn’t watched any of S3 and 4, but you go and post spoilers like it’s nothing?

Good for you, but a ton of people think the show is now shit because a bunch of sad underdeveloped neckbeards shouted at some McDs employees. And it seems like no online publication can ever let it go.
Side-note: The Ricklantis Mixup was such a strong episode, a bunch of moments from it can easily fill out half of

He was still awful, and Defenders as a whole was so underwhelming I’ll probably never rewatch it. Best scene my ass. It was a rehashed hallway fight and a poor one at that. Since JJ and the first two episodes of DD S2 there’s been nothing exciting about Netflix-Marvel at all.

For me the big battle beyond the wall was much more thrilling. There was more spectacle in a dragon burning a bunch of shit, but 0 tension. But the sheer nervewracking time of watching not just a main character, but several secondary characters fight against the undead was so much better for me. Literally everyone

Both seemed great to me, but try out the 2nd season, I think it edges out the first. They are different enough to not know what to expect. You can’t judge the second season based on what you saw from the first. Pacing is still slow, but that’s about the only thing in common. Also, obviously, don’t spoil yourself in

Also, If I don’t survive, tell my wife ‘hello’.

While it’s true that most of the original 90s fans have aged, it doesn’t mean the games aren’t worse by comparison. You had the occasional mess like VIII (story-wise only, the rest of the game was pretty great), but 4,5,6,7,9 are great games which are still universally praised. I liked X even it if had a whiny

Oh god. It’s twerking.

It’s been a while since I rewatched it, this is as good a reason as any. Thanks

Clue me in, I love useless trivia and references I won’t remember a day from now. :) P.S. DAMN, this is an old article. Found it in the related ones from a recent one.

At some point people are tired of coddling the imbeciles who call everyone else fragile snowflakes, but can’t take some fully deserved abuse. They will flush the country down the toilet and take it up the ass from the one percent, just to spite anyone on the opposing party. I am not even from the US, but fuck those

Relax and don’t get that heated over a dumb TV show. Any time something is divisive or started sucking after being good for awhile, people will complain. You are doing the same thing as the complainers (of which I’ve been one too) - only instead of bashing the show, you waste your time replying ‘nuh-uh!’ to most

I didn’t use a case on my OPO for the 4 years I had it - dropped at least 5-6 times, nothing was wrong with it except a crack or two on the side of the sandstone back-cover.

I guess that’s possible too, just seems like a stupid thing to do when he was brought in to oversee things.

No director could have saved BvS from that turd of a script. I like the extended cut a lot, but it was mostly because it improved a ton of minor issues, making the movie actually watchable (and in some moments great). It could still not resolve the main issues, all of which stemmed from the atrocious Lex Jr. and his

You say that as if you have any solid info. As of now we have no idea how much involvement he will continue having, just as we didn’t really know exactly how much he had until now. He has allegedly assisted Patty Jenkins well on WW, so that should be a win for him. JL was also better than BvS, solid while still having