
They are not moving him out, I read the proper article 10 minutes ago. He will remain in roughly the same position, may have a bit more influence in the future. Evan just fucked up when cribbing from Variety and omitted important details. Here is the full quote:

First thing I thought of when I clicked this article.

Cop Land doesn’t get enough (any?) love. That movie is the biggest evidence that Stallone can actually act outside the good Rocky and Rambo roles - believable as a timid small town beat cop with a disability. Actually thought his role should have had an Oscar nomination, guy was that far from his comfort zone and it

Yes. I already said I loved it. If they hadn’t let the director work, it would have been a boring sack of shit like Thor 2. Cardboard cutout villain wants to either take over Asgard or just destroy it. Some Loki shenanigans where you wonder if he’ll screw over his bro or not. Some adequate action scenes. Rinse, repeat

The Mummy made ~400M worldwide, out of which 90M was US domestic. They take roughly 50% of the profits from theatres. Movie budget was supposedly 125M, take at least another 100M into account for marketing. If the movie made any profit, it barely broke even. There were no ‘hundreds of millions in profits’, it was a

I want them to raise their level too, not just DC. They keep giving us mediocre simple movies with the same old story and lazy quips that start feeling rehashed already. Common denominator stuff. There is no urgency or anything unexpected. Give me something new, guys.

They have movies about a space god, the first of which was a good origin story with some great moments on earth, gave us Loki and was a solid movie, not spectacular. Thor 2 was just terrible. 3 had a generic hammy villain (even if she did great) and the same old Asgard plot, but Waititi and the space section elevated

Ultron was not a good movie, it only delivered because it’s Marvel and the built-in fanbase is going to lap up pretty much anything they serve them. I loved Thor 3, but if it wasn’t for Waititi’s humor it would have been just another one on a list of movies I won’t watch again. Half of their movies are mediocre at

This was entirely hypothetical. Imagine the woman/man you like with the same personality. What would you pick - that parner when they were in their 30s or the same one in their 50s? It was an argument about people’s body, nothing else. It’s not the first thing I look for in a partner.

Being a bit crude and occasinally putting your foot in your mouth (while not negating your point when it comes to majority of public opinion on said topic) does not warrant the kind of response some people left. Seriously, some people are touchy as fuck. I’m sorry and will think on how to phrase my points better in

What the hell? It was just a more abrasive way of saying I would prefer a younger body, which is closer to a universal truth. The same point could be made by a woman regarding any young famous boy-toy. It’s the same for women - even if some of them see mature guys as more desireable, most would prefer a man in his

Bad comparison obviously and I apologize, but I still stand by my words. I would prefer dating a woman in her 30s rather than one closer to her 50s. I don’t know what’s so controversial about that, it’s what most people think whether you agree with me or not.
And once again, sorry for the biscuit comment. I would

Lewis scenes were fine, but there was a bit too much of the entire group which went nowhere. We know these people suffered, no need to give us anything unnecessary. Just show us what we need directly related to Lewis and speed it up a bit. Like every Marvel Netflix show it goes on 3 episodes too long, everything

I honestly don’t remember much of the Defenders. It wasn’t as bad as Iron Fist, Luke Cage or the Hand episodes/second half of Daredevil S2, but it was very underwhelming. It was the series equivalent of a whimper. Considering the people it teams up it should have been much more exciting, but it was just meh.

I am not against dating more mature women when I’m older, but come on. Would you prefer dating a woman in her 20/30s or her 40/50s? More life experience sure. More attractive? No. His comment was based purely on physical attributes. What’s the big deal? Would you prefer eating stale biscuits or the freshly unpacked

Also ‘Why don’t they just make aeroplanes out of the same stuff as the black box?’

Snap some pics and post em somewhere around here if you do end up buying it. Hell, make a video of you hooning it.

Erdogan is scum and Turkey is fast turning into an even bigger shithole than it was. I feel sorry for the Turkish people having to take this.

Geralt is a terrible character, the only reason I have yet to play W3.

Wooooooow. If I was a driver and saw those assholes laying down by the road I’d be seriously tempted to fake losing control and just run them over to teach future spectators a lesson. Fuckers would have deserved it.