
Knew about the collaboration, had no idea MS used the tech. Thanks

Was it? I thought the Cell was a Sony thing and the 360 just picked up the same formula as the first Xbox.

He’s half-right at best. The problem is not the hardware in the PC used for emulation, as much as the original processor and programming of the PS3 CPU. They hyped the special Cell processor as a super-CPU the architecture of which allows for amazing things. The truth was that while powerful, it was very hard to

Are you looking only at goals scored? Costa is miles ahead of Lukaku in ability, he can score 20+ even if he’s unsettled for half a season. CFC fans don’t hold it against him, as he has said numerous times he doesn’t like it much in England. But otherwise, he is one of the most complete strikers playing today. He can

I never said anything about asking questions in general, I was referring exactly to vaccination. This ‘debate’ is supposed to be laid to rest already. Instead of working on real issues, a huge part of the people are still waving that idiot flag. If they all dropped dead tomorrow, it would be a win for humanity. Stupid

Why would you ask the same dumbass question that’s been asked countless times before, that’s been answered and 99.9% sure to be safe?

Those were issues of its time I guess, although they could have made the summon animations skippable. It was much improved in the PC release.

But how many of them are honest at least 8/10s from multiple genres, great spin-offs of established series, original ones that blew up in a huge way (MH) and some unknown, but classic gems worth playing? I mean, outside of the like 10 most popular games (and possibly another 10-15 of the lesser known ones) I don’t

DS? The PSP was its rival, and even if it didn’t sell as much, it looked to me to have a ton of games, of which I can list 30-50 that I’d love to play again if I had more hours per day. DS has a few masterpieces, but I think overall had far less offerings. Basically as every Nintendo ever from N64 to this day.

No, and not because of race. She is too old now and doesn’t have the same vibe. Someone else suggested Kylie Minogue in her prime and I think that would have been perfect. Bey comes off more aggressive and queen-bitch type rather than dazzling.

I know the movie is bashed more than it should be, but it doesn’t mean its not very flawed. DC were on their way to something great, then shot themselves in the foot with ridiculous Lex jr and his idiotic plan, which is at the base of everything people complained about. Extended edition fixes pacing and adds a few

I am a fan of the Extended edition, but I know what the movie’s weak spots are. The ‘Martha’ bit will never fail to get a smile out of me. :)

Pretty sure it’s gonna be awesome. Monster is one of the things I recommend to any anime/manga fan. I read through all of it in a week.

I was about to ask if this was made by the same guy, the style is 1:1. I stopped reading manga years ago, but may read this now.

Probably, but we are talking of the high-end of the accessible wheels, not something that would cost 2K or whatever. Those are for the most serious enthusiasts with disposable cash. Even $800 is a lot for most and a simple shifter should be included IMO. Whether it’s standard or not nowadays is something else.

It’s been awhile since I last used a wheel (sold G27 4 years ago), I was thinking whether to get a new one recently. I’m used to the stick, the paddles just don’t do it for me. Maybe I’ll leave it in the past, I am not sure how much time I can devote to it anyway.

I agree about that, but it feels unnatural not to use it. 

$800 for that, are they insane? Most people who want a wheel and pedals would also want a stick shift. Most racing fans would want to drive manual, so omitting it is most probably a cash grab ploy by having it as a priced add-on. No thanks.

Bruh, my true glory days as a gamer were the 16bit systems, PS1 & PS2, along with the PC gaming from that era. Imagine how I feel sometimes, not to mention the ones who lived in the 80s. For me the PS3 is still sort of recent.

I don’t get this. If you have a monitor for your PC, you have a monitor for a console. HDMI port, done. The console has dropped in price now too. This is not the initial launch window, it’s been out for 4 years. You can easily get a base model for 200 or so. It’s still not a small amount of money, but if you want the