
That was one of my freakiest experiences, not in a bad way. I was in an accidental lucid dream, I am lucid occasionally. I remember I opened a book and started reading what looked like blank pages. Or it looked like pages with unclear words on them, which became clear as fast as my eyes read the lines. It was actually

Never understood the hate for him killing Zod, it was obviously done to have him experience it and vow to never do it again. Either way it’s not a drastic departure for his character. If he was nonchalant about it it would have been bad, but he behaved as Superman should the whole time. He was trying to reason with

It’s a vastly superior version and I will forever try to make people rewatch it because the theatrical is terrible. But. The main issues were ridiculous Zod and his terrible plan, which can’t be fixed by extra scenes and was the cause for pretty much everything people hate about the movie. The BvS fight made no sense

Hello, I will just share my 2 cents on BvS, you can decide whether to watch it. The film gets a bad rap over the theatrical cut, which is terrible compared to the extended one. The hate online started and didn’t stop, partly because it’s an echo chamber. There are a ton of legitimate complaints and arguments though,

Got it, thanks!

I don’t. Care to explain to the poor sap who can only think of ‘shitting bricks’ as the joke?

I’m in the same boat for both Darkstalkers and Rival Schools. Both of them seemed to have something superior to SF. IMO DarkStalkers has a much better flavor/setting/characters, while RS had better story and character interactions. Too bad both were very underrated and I guess sales weren’t enough.

It may be a dead system, but it still got enough solid games for me to max out my 32 stick! It has a few solid titles of almost every genre. I mostly play those on longer bus/train/plane trips, but it’s still easily worth the space in the bag.

Nice. Reminds me of Night Vale, too bad it will take 3 months for new episodes. It seems a bit too long when they are just 8-10 minutes.

True, but what annoys me the most is how vilified he is, as if he is solely responsible for the current state of the DCCU. There always needs to be someone on top who can oversee the whole thing. He is a good director, but can’t handle writing as well. He can guide the whole project in some direction, but should he be

Who cares if I swore in a comment? We seem to be disagreeing over something over which neither would budge. For me it’s ridiculous to call every movie he’s directed ‘shit’, while for you it’s perfectly fine to think he is a complete hack. DOTD, 300 and Watchmen were pretty good. MOS was still a good Superman movie and

Yes, your point? I didn’t say he could write, I said he is a good director in need of a good script. Someone else can write it, while he can just direct.

Not a very useful suggestion, seeing as nobody really cares what some rando says on the goddamn internet. If I am annoyed at something, I swear. Sue me.

No, it doesn’t. I added them anyway because I was annoyed.

Your point? I said he is a good director in need of a good script. He is shit at writing his own stuff, judging by Sucker Punch.

Eat dick, Snyder was not the issue with the previous movies. He is a good director if he has a good script to work with - BvS’ issues were mostly script-related. Stop trying to make him into some asshole who is single-handedly destroying DC movies. And Whedon is not perfect either - refer to Age of Ultron and pray

His output since then never really lived up? What do you mean? You can’t expect him to constantly maintain the same level after debuting with arguably the best rap album of all time. Of course his next albums would be a bit worse, but half of his post-Illmatic albums were still critically acclaimed and garnered 8 and

Question to those who loved the first season: Did it take a couple of episodes to get good? I watched the first episode and almost hated it. It was both ridiculous and boring at the same time. The main priest character being a gruff-voiced, gun-toting badass was ridiculous. The rest was meh. Am I wrong or does it

Even the airport fight was bad. The constant quipping and pulling punches ruined any attempt at tension of having two factions fighting. Everyone knew it was just posturing, so what was the fucking point?

Even the airport fight was bad. The constant quipping and pulling punches ruined any attempt at tension of having two factions fighting. Everyone knew it was just posturing, so what was the fucking point?