
The BvS theatrical cut was pretty bad though. I do hope they get their shit together with JL and WW.

I am actually looking forward to it too, just hope the writing and execution is good enough. They’ve stumbled a lot since JJ.

I was gonna say ‘more than it needs’, but I really do hope they manage to fill out the episodes properly - it’s a team-up series, there should be plenty of possible interesting character interactions to earn them the full 13 episodes for a change.

Oh yeah, swatting is the worst, at least we get reports of people being arrested over such cases.

I don’t know why people rag on the sfx so much - it’s honestly not that bad. Sure, there were some weak shots, but overall I’d say 75% were fine. This had the equivalent of a $5M budget. I don’t think I’d see effects anywhere near that quality for that amount of money in a Hollywood production.
I was sceptical toward

Now that I think about it, the reality show comparison nails it. It’s not even something new either, just the same shit in a new, more boring medium. There will always be people willing to tune into some dumbass’ life, I guess.

Genuine question: what makes you watch anyone in the IRL section? I can understand watching a stream of a blind playthrough of a loved game, speedrun or whatever. What is the point of watching some dipshit walk around and buy coffee? What exactly do you get out of it?
I don’t want to be the old man yelling at a cloud

American-style fat pancakes are absolutely barbaric. CREPES is the answer. You get less pankake and more fillings, and once you roll it up it becomes a thing of beauty. You can do either the classic sweet stuff, like honey/choc/syrup, or go with salty option of (cream)cheese + ham/bacon.

I agree about the female big bads, they do need to add a couple to the main shows. I was just calling a spade a spade - those are in reality 2 episodes, each telling a self-contained story.

Haven’t watched him in anything else, only know he was in Glee. What are these evil roles you speak of? I’m curious and would check them out.

Counting the crossovers, King Shark, Grodd and other occasionally cool episodes, it comes to 5-6 not to be missed episodes per season. The rest is still meh though. Here’s to next season being good for a change. Both S2 and S3 have been disappointments overall.

Are you really counting Vixen as a ‘show’ or a ‘season’? 1st season* was a few episodes totaling ~25 minutes or so. Haven’t watched the 2nd one, but either way it’s an animated short at most.

Well, suit yourself. Almost everyone has ~50-55 hour workweeks if you include commute. Both of you live with your husbands, you can easily leave them alone for a few hours and still see enough of them. Alternate meetings at your respective homes without the other husband coming along. Seems like the best choice if

What the fuck, how is that an issue? Just meet without the men, jeez. They hate to be around each other and both of you have worse time for making them be there. You’re not attached at the hip and you’re allowed to have your own friends.

He could have been much better if they didn’t ruin him. Rourke has stated he was willing to do much more with him and was pissed that they’d cut scenes or whatever it was. Don’t remember the details, but I am fully willing to believe him, since Marvel suck at villains.

I remember the scene where Harley smashed a window and grabbed a designer handbag followed by the “it’s what we do” line - definitely felt a bit out of place. Like they cut it in after the first cut was done. As far as I know, David Ayer wanted to do something a bit more serious, but then WB interfered and we know how

If I had a VR already, I’d probably get it.

Hi Luke. A correction for the article:
A century break in snooker does not require you to clear the table from start to finish without missing a shot. It’s enough to do a break of 100 points, while the max break (every red ball followed by/combined with a black, then clear the rest of the colors) is 147 points. He can

Hey yo. Don’t badmouth snooker. It’s the same as being a billiards/pool champion. It’s not the most popular sport, but it’s certainly prestigious and televised over the world.
Also, I know you’re joking. But still.

I liked most of the team in SS, actually. They made them look great, and initially I thought I won’t care for anyone but Deadshot and Harley. Again, as in BvS, the issue was with the main villain. Enchantress was just goofy. The ridiculous bellydancing in a blinged-out scarecrow outfit was just dumb. The horde of