
No word on how long the game is, what the levels look like/how many of them, are there questlines beyond fetching shit - pretty much no useful info to know if this is actually worth 30 dollars?
AAA games cost 60 dollars and there is a ton of content. This game is half the price and I suspect 1/10 or much less of the

Oh yeah, I remember reading about that. Well, we might see it, there may be a time jump either at some point next season. It’s kinda too good of an idea to be left unexplored, even if it’s just the last episode.

I know, just thought I’d throw in my usual two cents about Lost.

Well, to be fair, there is no way to give her a spoonful of info at a time when it comes to this. It’s either share who they are or not. At least they still keep most of their shadier/murdery dealings secret, so she can have easier time handling the initial shock.

Not sure what the big deal is. Some women go for older men, and as long as the woman is a consenting mature adult, anything goes. Not sure if the old ‘half your age plus seven’ rule is viewed as more of a joke or an accepted unspoken guideline, but a 30-ish yo can date a 45 yo is he/she wants to. If it gets close to

Yeah, I also wonder about that. Two excellent spies do NOT fuck up and do anything to reveal themselves to a random FBI agent. It automatically makes him ‘incompetent’, even if that’s precisely what sleeper agents are supposed to do. Pass off as locals and don’t attract attention. Or if they live across from an FBI

What is this real-life event? There were a ton of events in the show, the timeline has been going for years.

It’s a humorous article brah, calm down. I love the show, but there are elements of soap, since like 75% of the time it focuses on family. The kids all by themselves were responsible for most of the drama (well, at least Paige, since Henry was basically a non-entity until this season).

Well, the entire show was bullshit thrown at the wall to see what sticks. Random things were introduced and dropped with no second thought. The ending making no sense was expected, pretty sure the writers didn’t have an idea for an endgame and could not make everything fit together in a logical manner. I dropped it

They did mention that Henry will play a much larger part this season, but I’ve only watched 3 episodes so far and he’s barely been in them. He’ll probably show up later on though.

The show has always dragged when the kids were involved, but what did you expect? They planted the seeds for Paige finding out a long time ago. Would you prefer every scene with Paige to be them hiding the truth until the end of the series with no payoff? Teen girls do throw shitfits constantly, but they had to bring

Watch it. You’ve probably watched much worse or generic series. This is a great show, fairly realistic and faithful to the time period, with actual Russians playing the Russians and grounded storylines. It doesn’t present either side as good or bad. It’s like a unicorn. It deserves to have a dozen Emmys already. You

I have no idea how you can label him as bad or good, when they are doing a job. When you become a soldier or a spy, you have to know killing will happen eventually. Is he bad because he works for the USSR? Is it bad because he is killing people, even if it’s under orders from his own country? If this show was called

As far as the wig goes, in some episode there was a scene where Phillip removes his wig after returning from Martha’s (WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!) and it took him a bit of effort to get it off. It’s not like he just grabbed the wig and took it off like a hat. Spies, man. They gotta be prepared and have those wigs

Haha, brilliant idea. Now if gamers in France were a substantial enough number to swing an election...

At first I read it as Rick James, and now I want to see THAT movie.

Weird. I’ll never understand how there are such differences between FF on one hardware and another.

What should he do after he slightly turns his head? Do you think Zod would have just given up? He was a a match to his powers, in berserk mode and willing to kill everyone around him. So *of course* people can’t accept that sometimes killing is a necessary evil.
Same goes for Batman - I cannot for the life of me

People who need their RAM for literally anything else. Still using FF, and it never goes over ~500-600 MB usage while still loading pages fast. I regularly have ~6-10 tabs open. Not sure if Chrome will load everything faster, but the difference would be negligible.

Wtf, who are you people that claim FF eats away that much RAM? Maybe check your plugins/add-ons for anything suspicious. I have 8 tabs open, 3 of which have loaded some form of video and one of them is actively playing music off YT. It’s on ~300-350 MB right now. Are you one of those folks that have ALL of their