
Bruh, not sure what your issue is here. Speedrunning can be immensely entertaining if you’ve already played the game. Seeing crazy tricks you never knew existed, executed to frame perfection gives me a totally new way to enjoy it. Some of the speedruns I watched were more fun than some movies in that regard.

Even for Supergirl, Salmonella is a weird villain.

I think this was a great adaptation. The only bad thing I can say about the movie is that Raven’s barely in it. But otherwise, it’s easily the best of the recent Teen Titans movies and an almost excellent execution of a classic story.

They hadn’t done anything in the movie, Terra mentions it specifically. DS was manipulating her through her obsession.

I had no idea a PS3 emulator has progressed that far. I thought the existing ones are mostly tech demos, you can start the game and dabble in the menus, but once you actually started playing, it would be 2-5 fps, riddled with graphical and game-breaking bugs.
Here the framerate is terrible, but the game actually seems

Now if only Rival Schools got resurrected too, I’d happily go back to playing fighting games.

Where the pics at? I’m joining Mr. Bear.

I’d say the 18/3 Chiron concept from 1999 is a better preview for the Veyron than the Bentley.

It’s impossible to discern the tone of the remarks in a comment section. If you were half-joking in the initial reply, I didn’t catch it. Either way, the game’s not bad, I just went in with the wrong expectations. It’s not really a Soulsborne replacement, even if it has tons of similarities.
Does the game get more

If the movie has a lot of moving parts and tons of footage was cut to shorten the length, some of these parts no longer make sense and the pacing is ruined. If you do have the time, give it a shot. The longer cut fleshes out details, improves the pacing and generally elevates the movie. I didn’t feel like I watched a

Since you haven’t seen the extended cut, what gives you the right to judge whether it warranted its runtime or not? It improves the movie a lot, even if it can’t change core mistakes like Luthor Jr. and his piss-poor plan. It went from a 5-6/10 to 7.5-8/10 for me at least.

I mentioned my experiences with the game and initial impressions of the mechanics. There are 3 stances, Ki Pulse mechanic, switching stances during a combo, etc. I didn’t use more than half of the possible moves, only did the Ki Pulse with no mid-combo stance switching, etc. It just felt like extra busywork and

There are some weapons I’ve ignored for awhile, need to play around with them to see how satisfying to use they are. I mainly do just spear and bows, barely use the slings and ropecaster. Maybe those damn birds wouldn’t be so annoying if I tied them down. Even then it’s not 100% necessary since a few fire arrows do

I barely use it, except if I have no mount and need to traverse half the map. Even then killing mecha-beasts is not as fun if there’s no purpose.

I love almost everything about the game, but there is one thing I am not too happy about - small number of quests, and outside of the main ones not all of them are winners. 20 or so main missions is not much.

OMG, that last bit was amazing information. I’ve already been to Meridian and saved the Sun-King, yet never noticed all the hearts and lenses can be bought from the vendors. I am always at around 95/100 part slots, so I’ll just sell them all the hearts + lenses now and keep a bunch of slots free.

I will believe it when we at least have a semi-reliable leak. Don’t get me wrong though, I’d be ecstatic if it’s really in the pipeline. They can’t just leave it at one game, it’s too brilliant. It would be a great one-off, but we need more.

Nioh’s combat felt a bit too unnecessarily detailed, and the Ki pulse mechanic never really did it for me. Seemed more of an annoyance, even if I had no problem using it. The story was not really engaging and I think I left it at the Lightning Lionbear boss (or whatever it’s called, the one after Hino-Enma). The

We know the original and knew what to expect from the remake (not much). The movie is adequate, but pales in comparison to the original. Hollywood won’t care though, as long as they think the audience that didn’t see it and might be interested is big enough. Somehow I doubt the folks that didn’t want to read subs when

I doubt anyone would argue he is anywhere close to Carlin’s level. But he is the undisputed king of one-liners and non-sequiturs IMO. Too bad he left us early, nobody knows what could have been if he had another 10-15 years to his career.