
I enjoyed Fallen London awhile back but stopped due to the lack of new content. Is Sunless Sea any good? Is there any semblance of plot or quests? What do you like about it if we exclude the setting?

Not in the form we see in that screenshot. What's the point of a tiny little park in the middle of an enormous roundabout? I guess you and your kids can enjoy the relaxing sounds of loud traffic and the pristine exhaust fume-filled air.

I am glad I trusted my gut and didn't buy the game. Judging by this review I'd buy used for 20 bucks tops at some point in the future. Hopefully the side-content is good enough to warrant the purchase and the messy story is not outright bad. The exploration and non-mandatory towns/areas you can visit for side-quests

Obviously a cliche B-movie, but otherwise this trailer looks pretty good. Color me interested.


After playing FFX and jumping into FFXII a couple of years later, the game looked fine at first but had a lot of issues. You already mentioned 3 of them and I will go further on the summons - you never need them at all. I summoned each one just once to see the animation and never did it again. Your party is able to

...learn the battle system? XII had possibly the easiest battles I seem to remember in FF games and it wasn't complicated at all. Once you built your party the right way you could go make a couple of sandwiches and a coffee while leaving your party in an area full of enemies. The game played itself if you set up the

Cool. Is the story good enough to play if I know the game is kinda like a single-play MMO (which I won't like much)? I know the world is gorgeous, but that's not a lot without a good story. I hate the padding and bland filler sidequests (hopefully they are not all like that), so I will just rush through the main story

No. 60 hours goes above the average time to finish a standard jrpg. If a game just starts being good around that time and has that much pointless padding, it's bad. 200 hours? Get a grip. How can you convince me the game is good instead of a boring grindfest with this ridiculous completion time? If you didn't go about

Congrats to those who were stubborn enough to get it. For me it wasn't a game, it was an exercise in frustration. This entire system is needlessly complicated and probably turned off a lot of people as result. Shame, since the game actually looks good. Too bad it's unplayable.

Hopefully by the end there will be almost no similarities to Resonance of Fate. That game looked so appealing to me, I loved the setting and the character design, but I don't know much more about the plot or anything else since I dropped it like a rock about an hour after starting it.

I still love it, but let's not pretend like Final Fantasy was always a staple of quality. Every game after 6 had some ridiculously stupid shit in some aspects or other (IX being an exception for me, as I think it's a perfect game and the best FF game - with the only annoying thing being the high encounter rate). X is

FFX was much better IMO. People seem to forget that while there was one 'forward' general direction to reach your final destination, the road to it was very diverse. You had plenty of open fields with several exits to other areas, you had outright mazes and areas with plenty of paths to take, even if they did lead you

IMO Vice was much better than the season before that. Not that S4 didn't have some excellent episodes, but some were underwhelming and some jokes didn't work for me.

Oh. Right. I agree with that, seems like DC is taking crazy slack from brainwashed Marvel fanboys who would happy if DC movies fail instead of be successful. Why not root for everything to be good instead of bitching about the tiniest detail?

Get a room, y'all. :) Also, I think most of the commenters on io9 actually behave better than what I see on many other websites.

This season's writing on Arrow is terrible in many aspects, but they are trying to fix Laurel, I'd give them that. She needs to train more, fight better and lighten up - then she'll be a good Canary.

Film heads as well, if there's such a term.

I thought it was kinda funny. At least it was better than some other generic episodes.

So many people know already, there's no point in keeping it from her. She would have become Flash's equivalent of Thea - existing just so people won't tell her stuff. At least they are done with that stretched out story on Arrow - I am sick of hearing the word 'secrets' by now. If there was a drinking game where I