
Just drop it and come back to binge when it's finished. What's the point of torturing yourself like that?

So what, Injustice didn't do it for you? If that's not an AAA game, I don't know what is.

I wouldn't say it was bad - I enjoyed the episode a lot because of the character work and cool action scenes. I see where you're coming from on the main plotline though - national guard or the army or whatever should be already there. I've learned to ignore bullshit like this, since there is a lot of it in almost

I think they should considerably tone down Felicity, like cut her screen time in half. I liked her a lot before, but she did nothing but cry the previous episode, and it got real old real fast. It was just too much, and her 'crying quivery voice' sounds so fake and overdramatic it's just nuts.

I think that started from 9gag, but I may be wrong.

He could admit it, but then they'd all wonder why he deceived them on that too. What was the point? It may be the straw that breaks the camel's back when it comes to their trust in him. He kinda has to keep pretending now.

Wrong - it's just that people only remember the best bits. There was absolute trash back then, but there was also some great and exciting content. There was a lot of everything really, while now it's either kiddie crap, boredom or completely terrible booking. Not much good to counter-balance the shit.

I considered the fact that Cold was shooting where he thought the Flash would be in a second or so, but that's still achievable only when your target is moving at a reasonable speed. Flash has been shown to see the shots moving around him in slow motion. He has already dodged such attacks before with ease. Even worse,

This is bullshit. No matter how you plan it, your own arms/eyes/reflexes are not fast enough to shoot a guy running so fast as to see you in slow-motion/still. This pissed me off about the last episode as well. I saw a lot of other people comment on it. They could have thought of some way to handicap him, like the guy

Here's a star in return for 'turd biscuits'. I legitimately LOLed.

Probably the same place as our collective interest. S02E01 was terrible. I don't know how they went from science/virus mystery in an Antarctica base (I loved the setting of season 1) to this weak Wicker-man bullshit. I'll probably watch another episode or two to see how bad it gets, but damn, the premiere was

I wouldn't go as far as killing her, but she did get a bit weaker by getting more and more screentime. She gets entirely too much time and is involved both with the Arrow team and Palmer. When she was the slightly awkward tech with the weird quips she was great. Now, it seems like too much. Plus, love triangles suck

Don't oversell it. He got stabbed through the chest with an arrow. Big deal. Oliver stabbed himself as well doing that and survived. Who's to say Malcolm couldn't? It's not even remotely close to a sword through the chest/crushing fall on rocks/frostbite.

We all thought that. Now if Katana used some herbs or whatever, I'd be really pissed. Lazarus pit is the only way you can return after that kind of death.

She still hangs with her mass-murderer, city-destroying psycho dad as well. What your point?

I am not a big fan of roguelikes in general, so thanks for the clarification. I associated it mainly with randomly generated levels and sometimes/often permadeath. Do you have an example of roguelikes without randomly generated levels?

There is? I haven't heard of it, but if it's an optional dungeon it's completely possible.

Yeah, this would have helped me accept it, but obviously they don't care enough to keep his powers consistent or find logical ways to nerf him when necessary. Obviously it's not a serious show of any kind, but I'd appreciate some more thought going into the fights.

This is not roguelike in any way. Roguelikes have almost 0 story and randomly generated levels. This is obviously not random generated anything. 'Souls-like' is now an accepted term, just look at Lords of the Fallen. Demon's and Dark souls invented their own subgenre and mechanics.

I missed the Soldier of Fortune style gore and dismemberment. I also remember Shadow of Rome for the PS2 had some great ways to cut up your opponents with various weapons in the arena fights. This needs to be in more games. Good gore is plenty of fun.