
I think Lord of the Rings Online had a system similar to that - there were large areas which you could access, but the quests only show up if you pay for the area. You could go to some area but you'll only see the standard enemies to fight, nothing else. I didn't go further than the areas which were fully available

I just replied a few minutes earlier and stated the same thing. Suspension of disbelief is one thing when Flash is up against powers, but two guys with guns? Please. he is fast enough to see them moving in slow motion, if moving at all. Nobody is fast enough to shoot flash with any gun when he runs. He can easily take

The episode was good, but I still had the same issue with Cold and Heatwave as I had the first time Cold was around:

Watch only the second one (Road Warrior). It's great even by today's standards. The first one is boring as hell until the last 20-25 minutes. As for Thunderdome... eh... you could watch it if you don't have anything else to do.

Delay what? Skyrim came out 3 years ago. I wouldn't expect TESVI for another 2-3 years at least. We need the new Fallout first.

Oh dear, the child... let's hope we never hear word of that shitty plotline ever again.

I haven't played Dark Souls 2, but in DS you could just play the entire game while hollowed. I reverted to human only when I actually wanted PvP to happen. I assume in DS2 it should be the same way?

Is there even a point of going from 1080p to 4K on a less than 40'', or the very least 32'' monitor? 4K is excellent for your large screen in the living room, but for a small desktop monitor it seems useless. 1080p on max details is plenty for a sub-30'' monitor.

I agree with most of what you said, excluding two things:

I can't gather how much you know from your initial post, can I? It said pretty much nothing. "And it's worth paying more just to not have to deal with Windows. I booted up my old Inspiron this morning. I actually contemplated murdering somebody as a result."

Flash is one of the top 5 DC characters. Green Arrow is in the top 10/15. Both of them were no-brainers for a TV show, especially Arrow since it needs less budget for special effects. Where would Atom place on a DC character ranking? No idea. Either way, hopefully if they do decide to go with this they change his

First off, you are free to buy and game on whatever you want. I have nothing against Macs - they are very overpriced but otherwise they do a good job.

Well, if their goal is to make sure I won't even watch the pilot, they've definitely succeeded. He is an annoying creep. If there are crossover episodes I'd probably watch, but otherwise I'll restrict myself to the io9 recaps. If the show even takes off, that is.

Anyone else thinks Atom/Palmer is super annoying? They are free to do a spin-off, but I won't watch that. It also starts to feel a little too much - Arrow and Flash are enough for now. Do enough people care about The Atom at all for him to get a spinoff?

No worries. And I forgot my initial point - most of the PS3 library will be included.

I am not saying that all cheap headphones are bad, it's just that cheap is cheap - most of them will be of questionable quality. I've had some surprises as well, though - one of the best earbuds I had were an A4Tech model that cost me like $9.

Yeah, if the average house only has $15-20 headphones, sure. You can get better audio quality for $50-60 or more.

It's the same type of idiotic nonsensical comment that makes me crack up, such as 'dog in game' from the GTA V youtube trailer comments compilation video. Amusing for about 5 seconds.

GTA 3 was set in relatively present times when it debuted. I agree though, I think Vice City was my favorite so far, along with San Andreas. And RDR was amazing, hopefully they are working on a sequel or plan to start working on one in the upcoming couple of years.

I understand you, but if you know it's going to be good in a year or two, it's not a waste. I got mine specifically for Bloodborne which comes out in March, but I know the library will be significantly beefed up in a couple of years.