It looks good by crossover standards, but calling it “Mustang-inspired” is like calling Titanic a documentary. There are some hints of the real thing in there, but the actual similarity is much less than advertised.
It looks good by crossover standards, but calling it “Mustang-inspired” is like calling Titanic a documentary. There are some hints of the real thing in there, but the actual similarity is much less than advertised.
Fair enough, but I still feel like that lets non-boomers with boomerish attitudes off the hook.
I think you think millennials are a lot younger than they are.
I doubt it’s much heavier than the GT500. Electric motors are very light. Batteries are heavy, but so are huge V8s.
You’d still have the transmission noise, but with no engine noise to drown it out. Might sound quite interesting.
It is quite common, but I believe this is the first time an actual car manufacturer (not a conversion shop) has built a manual EV.
It can work either way. In most conversions, you can change gears in motion, but you don’t have to.
I’m in the middle of building one - a ‘66 fastback. Mind you, it’s radio-controlled and 17 inches long...
Having multiple gears actually barely affects efficiency at all. You might gain a miniscule amount, but it would be offset by the extra weight of the transmission. The miles per kilowatt-hour (conceptual EV equivalent of miles per gallon) would be about the same with or without a transmission.
They don’t even have to be fake. You can literally swap an electric motor into an existing manual car and drive it the same way. It’s actually better, since it can’t stall, so you don’t have to use the clutch to start off. Stop and go traffic would be a breeze and you could still row through the gears as much as you…
Kristen, I normally agree with your takes, but in this case I feel like you’re missing the forest for the trees. The Mustang Lithium is a freaking amazing machine. It outclasses the GT500 in every possible way. Yes, there’s only one so far, but it’s the start of a new era for Ford. There will be more like this.
I’m all for shaming people with outdated, backwards, entitled attitudes, but we need a word other than “boomer”. Boomers are technically defined by the range of years in which they were born, but this trend should be targeting people based on their attitude, not their age. People like to say “boomer is a state of…
I thought EVs with manuals were old news around here. EV West and Electric GT have been building them for years.
So GM is just totally incompetent at being a car company?
So GM is just totally incompetent at being a car company?
Username checks out, and I agree.
Dangit, I knew I forgot one! That was actually kind of a neat car.
There will be an F-150 EV in 2021 or thereabouts.