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I don’t think Jezza and Slow are ever getting back together. James has his own thing going on at Drivetribe, and has said in interviews that he’s not really friends with Clarkson or Hammond anymore. The Grand Tour is over (aside from possibly one more season of road trip specials) and Top Gear has moved on to other

In other news, Car That Costs Twice As Much As Other Car Is Better Than Other Car.

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It was, from 1997 to 2003. Most of them were leased, and taken back at the same time as the EV-1. Unlike the EV-1, though, a few were actually sold through fleet sales. About a thousand of them survive in various corners of the world.

“first battery electric car”

I got one of these from Avril Lavigne the other day. I thought it looked pretty fishy. Glad to see I was right.

I believe it was Abraham Lincoln who said “Don’t believe every celebrity quote you read on the internet.”

That’s a good one. I think there’s more to happiness than just an absence of misery, but things not sucking is hard to say no to.

I agree. Canning tomatoes isn’t really my thing, but hobbies are hobbies, and if you enjoy something, even (or especially) if it’s unusual, never let anyone try to take that away from you. Life without fun is no life at all.

You’d be surprised. There are some really fucking dumb drivers out there.

All right, David... I know it’s our sacred duty as Jalops to try and talk you out of every rusty Jeep you want to buy, but you’ve kinda got me talked into this one, for the rarity alone if nothing else.

An Even Darker Red is definitely the best color.

A dealer near me has a Shelby GT350 listed for $90,000. That’s in Canadian dollars, but it’s still well above MSRP.

“My parents sucked at being parents, therefore all parents should suck at being parents!”

First, awesome article. Have fun! Enjoy life! Enjoy the trailer!

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Awesome story! I’m reminded a bit of this song (which, if you haven’t heard it, is a forgotten gem):

As someone who has devoted much more of my life than necessary to watching and re-watching every single Knight Rider episode, tracking down obscure spinoffs and DVD extras, befriending other overly-involved fans online, watching David Hasselhoff interviews, writing fan fiction and spinoffs of the fan fiction and fan

IMHO, the second gen Probe is infinitely better looking.


I’ve always wondered this about restomods. Obviously you can make a car perform better, but safety is the main reason I wouldn’t seriously consider owning a classic car. Some people are willing to risk a bit more for the experience, and that’s their decision, but I’m not.

I’m so glad you guys finally did an article on this! Such an awesome car.