The motors are cylindrical, but each one needs a controller, which is basically a rectangular box. Put those boxes on each side and at an angle, and they look like cylinder banks.
The motors are cylindrical, but each one needs a controller, which is basically a rectangular box. Put those boxes on each side and at an angle, and they look like cylinder banks.
Wait... was there a time when it didn’t look like that? I noticed it was a Probe the first time I saw the movie.
Holy fucking awful forward visibility, Batman! Look at the size of those A-pillars!
I really like the look of the Kona interior as well. Possibly looking into the electric version for my next car at some point.
Clarkson has never been right about anything in his life. Obviously it’s brown.
The color is good. The styling is not. It looks like an angry blob of Jello.
Say what you will about the pacing, but Jessica Jones ruled.
Not necessarily, but it’s a little weird that you still consider them “friends”.
Just feed it way too many tacos.
I love electric motor sounds. Try this on for size:
Good riddance, then. I may be alone in this, but supercars are kind of a stupid idea. “Let’s make a car that very few people can afford that’s terrible at doing all the things most people do with cars, and only good on the track. But instead of making it a race car, let’s market it to rich Instagram stars as a status…
You’d think it would be obvious that, if anyone “felt bullied” by warnings of a rapist, it would be because he’s the fucking rapist.
Why does it seem like, nowadays, the teenagers are reasonable and make sense and the adults don’t? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?
I’ve said plenty of shit on the internet, but I always make sure I have something to back it up with. Not to brag, but I wouldn’t be nearly as petty or egotistical as Musk is, and I definitely wouldn’t call someone a pedophile because they didn’t like my submarine design. And if I’m proven wrong, I can accept it and…
THANK YOU for reminding me what it reminds me of! It was on the tip of my tongue.
The Frontier isn’t exactly a pretty truck, but it’s leaps and bounds better than the stupid Chevy.
That. Fucking. Stupid. Front. End.
Boo friggin hoo, Elon. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Literally no one except you is responsible for getting you into this absurd situation.