I think there are “good men”, they’re just not the ones the Republicans are using that term for. That definition has to be earned.
I think there are “good men”, they’re just not the ones the Republicans are using that term for. That definition has to be earned.
What are your thoughts on having a separate set of rims for winter tires? Is it worth it, or should I just have the tire shop swap them back onto my normal rims?
Make sure this doesn’t happen!
It is weird, but it’s more of an etiquette thing than an ironclad rule. They can’t say “no test drives on weekends” because most people buy cars on weekends and obviously those people also need test drives. And you can’t even say “no test drives on weekends if you’re not buying right away” because then you’d be asking…
It’s not even that they’re no longer relevant, it’s that they’re no longer the only ones who are relevant.
Starsky and Hutch was awesome, and is one of the few early 2000s comedies that’s still hilarious in my opinion, but some of that might be in spite of the director rather than because of him. And as much as I hate to admit it, it’s possible for someone to do a good job directing and still be a lousy person.
The Audis kinda suit him, I think. The weird NSX concept car, on the other hand... the hell was that about? Is Tony Stark so rich that he literally drives one-off prototype cars around?
Pretty sure Baby doesn’t drive his own car. He has a different car for every getaway - presumably they’re all stolen.
I watched that a while back just to see if it was really as bad as everyone said.
Nah, bad take. That would be a really sweet conversion.
Dammit, I didn’t see that before and now it’s all I can see.
From what I’ve gathered, on Saturdays dealers are swarming with customers who are actually willing to buy, since that’s when most people have time to go car shopping. Go on a weekday when no other customers are there, and the salespeople are much more likely to have the spare time to take tire-kickers for test drives.
I’d love so much for that to happen.
Man, I feel so bad for Joe Biden. He has the right ideas and wants to do the right thing, but I fear he’s starting to lose it.
They said color interiors, not Cheese Whiz interiors.
I think I agree. Only issue is that, if the wheel is the shoe, how do they drive barefoot? Do they just “walk” around on the hubs? I’m just picturing a sleepy, bleary-eyed car waking up in the morning and stumbling around the house, wheel-less, looking for its tires and knocking stuff over.
1. I guess 70K is “budget” compared to an NSX, but that’s still a crazy expensive car by most people’s standards.
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. The “adults” Jeremy refers to (old rich white men, basically) have proven that they’re too greedy and short-sighted to be trusted to care for the planet they live on, and the kids have had to be the ones to step up and say “Hey, this isn’t right.”
Agreed. Clarkson seems to have no idea how much of a hypocrite he’s being.