
Shots fired.

I agree. The liberal bullshit needs to stop.

I can’t wait for Orlove’s next political hit piece somehow classified as car news. What is next “Hillary buys BMW but is also found to have a heart of solid gold and never tells lies.” I don’t think Trump is great at all but how about a little balance, I have not seen one article from this guy criticizing a democrat,

Same here, I once had an hourly check-in, now it’s roughly 3 times on a good day.

Serious. I’ve got a few friends whose politics are quite different from mine, but we enjoy wrenching on cars and riding dirt bikes together. It works because we don’t talk politics or religion. Just let the beer flow (or your preference, got nothing against abstainers) and talk smack and laugh about real life.

I find myself visiting Jalop less and less all the time and it is because of shit like this and the hopeless clickbait. Fuck Jolawpker.

Gawker Media the place where the left can do no wrong, the right is always the enemy, and there’s no such thing as a moderate. It would be nice to come to a website about cars and not have a political spin on every third article.

Please, can we keep politics off Jalopnik?

this place is turning to partisan shit, where have all the jalop refugees gone

Still better than linking every new roadkill episode with letter-barf that equates to page padding. Gotta hit that post quota somehow.

News flash blackflag/Jalopnik:

You get a solid, one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand count. If you haven’t started moving, or your brake lights haven’t at least flickered off by then, you get the horn.

no, it would just involve crime of other sorts.

it’s on wikipedia so.... it’s 100% tru fax :]

Correct, the story would instead be about the same refugees causing problems in the United States or Britain (rape, theft, terrorism, etc). Not to say we don’t have those problems here already, it would just be worse.

This was never official and was written by a poet trying to raise funds for the construction of the statue. it was not written by the founding fathers or any other major american historical figure.

And if Britain and the US took these refugees today, 10x would follow tomorrow, and after those 10x, 10x more will follow the day after that.

And if banks gave out free money to anyone who asked, there wouldn’t be bank holdups either. Doesn’t mean it’s even worth considering.

Fortunately that is not current foreign policy nor does it hold any legal standing. It is a nice sentiment but holds no real worth. The truth is, a quip regarding immigration and foreign policy cannot begin to deal with the complexity of the issue at hand. Nations have the right to determine how and when people enter