
Why SHOULD they care about diversity? What you are advocating is that every piece of art should basically cater to your own prejudices and if they offend your sensibilities movies are automatically bad, and this is basically the death of art. Great art shouldn’t coddle you, and if you leave a movie feeling “yes, I

And what if a man had said that to a female employee? - “I can’t with you, go home and ask your husband” Lawsuit anyone?

Whenever [male colleagues] question me in meetings, I’m like, ‘Go home and ask your wife. This is a pointless conversation.

Right? If a man ever said go home & ask your husband, everyone would lose their fucking minds. I lived with a single mom & 3 three sisters, of course I was sent to get them, even I wished the packaging wouldn’t be so fucking weird.

Great evidence for the sex discrimination lawsuit.

That’s dumb. If it’s their job to talk about packaging for their product line, that’s inclusive of tampon packaging. You don’t have to be a woman to have an opinion on the design for a commercial product.

Most Likely To Fail Upward

I’m pretty sure that’s just his instruction to the artist.

If you’re like me, cutting out alcohol sounds like the cruelest form of self-imposed torture imaginable.

The hijab is not merely a dress style. It is a garment that symbolizes the belief in the essentially evil nature of women’s bodies. It is therefore, a sign of female oppression. No amount of saying “this is a fashion choice” eliminates the reason the hijab exists.

I have yet to come across a cult’s modesty precepts that don’t directly imply that non-members are immodest and undignified.

Bingo. And if Miles was white, Narcisse wouldn’t give two shits about him.

She lost me at “like to keep my dignity.” Maybe I'm PMSing today bad. But I find this sentence offensive to everyone not into covering up from head to toe. It's not being tolerant of others. And it's wrong.

Here fundamentalist Muslims practice for the “Dead Swan Lake for Drowning Infidels” ballet.

i’m not a particularly religious person so i see all this shit through the same lens. i don’t understand why we disparage, say, conservative christians who forbid makeup and make their daughters wear ankle-length skirts on their chaperoned dates but celebrate hijabs like they’re some kind of personal statement.

That’s because that’s all it is: a patriarchal symbol, despite what Jezzies would like you to believe.

Converts are usually pretty fanatical: since they weren’t raised in it and chose it, they often take it more seriously and not just as part of their culture or heritage.

What kind of a psychopath converts to a brand new religion as an adult?

Born again Christians are almost as scary as white people that convert to Islam.

Yes, because as we all know, sales numbers determines a game’s quality, AND NOTHING ELSE.