
It’s Whitney Houston’s cover of Dolly Parton’s classic song “I Will Always Love You.”

I am with you.

Might be some nostalgia-colored glasses you’re wearing. In the Bungie days, I can’t count the number of times I made my way from set piece to set piece with no idea why I was doing what I was doing (besides killing aliens) or going where I was going (besides the fact that I was corridor-bound to go that way). It’s not

Wow this article is barely a paragraph long and you still couldn’t be bothered to read the bit where mentions dota 2?

What kind of discount is that? Sounds like a 0% discount since they were always free. Terrible deal.

Guess you couldn’t have done two separate articles? One commentary and one reporting on the arrest? Or would have Gawker been forced to pay you for 2 shitty pieces of writing instead of one?

can’t tell if you have more sympathy for this woman’s family or for the pieces of shit who killed her.

How do you adjust black people being 13% of the population and committing 50% of the murders for “institutional racism?”

Shouldn’t this hissyfit be in German?

Worst of all? This was the text:

College is a place where you are confronted with people who are different from you. People with different political and religious beliefs. People who are of different races. People who may not understand your culture or sensitivities.

Yep. That letter basically boiled down to, “These students are adults in the eyes of the law. They can figure some stuff out on their own.”

No one is interested in facts, smarty pants. Take that shit back to your fancy pants university!

Did anyone actually read the Yale professors response to the halloween costume letter?

“He didn’t even like that it existed.”

Citation needed on this one.

people die because of religion. No one dies because of a colander on someones head. your priorities are wack.

I find religion much much worse.

Because secular/non-religious people definitely face no prejudice in this country whatsoever and religious factions have never tried to legislate their personal religious beliefs onto the rest of us. Doing something visibly secular and having a sense of humor is definitely just about being “smug.”

I do more of the emotional work with my daughter—the sorting through feelings, the talking about them, the emotional literacy that I think is a huge part of being a good person. It’s not that my husband doesn’t think it matters. It’s that there are two of us to split things, and he gravitated toward imparting the

It’s one thing to object to the right wing bringing up black violent crime as a way of deflecting attention from racial injustice. But apparently we’ve reached the point where we can’t even have an honest discussion about black on black crime? Black pathology may be a myth, and it may have more to do with