Boop The Patriarchy

Yeah, because they’ve normalized every nonsense from the right for 40 years with their “fair and balanced” approach of giving equal voice to both sides on ever issue, never mind that one side is batshit insane and flat-out wrong.

The establishment media always calls them “alt-right”, and Trump’s lies are “falsehoods”, his operatives “misspoke” when they lied and perjured themselves. Always gotta be fair and balanced.

It may be upside down, but it looks rightside up to Spicer when he stares down his nose at it.

Jerry is so much better for her.

In the picture with him and Meg Ryan at the top, I thought he was sunburned. But he looks exactly the same here with Christie Brinkley. 24/7 sunburn or Bannon-esque?

AND... he dated Christie Brinkley. How the hell does he manage that? Maybe in his youth, but age hasn’t been kind to his looks. That, and he sounds like a dick.

John Mellencamp sounds exactly like every person I’ve ever dated. And also like my dad. 🤔

Oh so he was just method acting his way into sexual assault, okay. That makes it fine, he’s just really, really professional.

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

You feel entirely too strongly about the subject to be taken seriously.

actually the evidence based and accepted treatment for trans kids are GnRH blockers to delay puberty so that kids and their families have time to make a decision. outcomes (suicide, physical changes) are better for people who transition younger than those who transition older. puberty blockers allow people to make

Am I the only one who tells them when they don’t get the job done? My Type A-ness doesn’t allow me to quietly have my time wasted. If you finish and I don’t you best believe you’re hearing about it.

If someone came at my labia (majora or minora) with a glue gun, I’d kick him in the nuts.

To keep track of which vids you get off to regularly...I imagine?

I have access to comscore and I ran pornhub x nationalreview (i ran pornhub becuase it’s got a lot of traffic)

It links to another Gizmodo story. I was just as curious and ever so carefully hovered my mouse over the link at work. That was as close as I’ve ever come to playing Russian Roulette.

Good point. We know he cares a lot about one of them, at least.

Things look really bad now but I promise everyone it’ll all be over soon.