Boop The Patriarchy

Thrift and garage sale clothes are a challenge to find if you’re fat (it’s hard enough to find new “plus-sized” clothing). It’s so time-consuming to find anything that fits and is remotely acceptable style-wise, it would require more time than most people who can only afford secondhand clothing have.

Caitlyn has expressed queerphobia from the start of her public transition, For instance, I remember in the Diane Sawyer interview, she acknowledged that she had always been attracted to and been exclusively with women, but now that she was identifying and publicly living as one, she would not consider herself a

Oh wow; I know humans and dogs metabolize drugs, especially benzos very differently, (my mom’s 6-lb. Yorkie takes twice as much klonopin as I do) but you might have just helped me solve a medical puzzle for my own dog.

Omfg this made me crylaugh

Has anyone made a Politifact joke yet?

Okay is it that I am the only one who thinks this is an anti-Trump video (a commentary on Make America Great again, as in “You’ve always been great.”) or is that it’s so obvious no one is bothering to mention it?

Agree so hard, but I strongly doubt a woman writer who writes feminism and (often) sci-fi/speculative fiction could ever win.

I found out in high school that my birthday, the one I celebrate, the one on my birth certificate, is not my birthday. I was born literally seconds before midnight (i.e. 11:59 PM on a Wednesday), but because that would have meant my parents getting billed for my stay/care in the hospital for the entire day of

I need to know EVERYTHING. Oh please, more details. I and every other lesbian I’ve dated are obsessed with her.

Real talk about having a father like Trump.

Damn, you’re good. Wanna rob a bank with me?

Omg now I really DO want magical unicorns. But instead of dissolving the Republicans, maybe they can use their sparkle horns to make them all gay! (I’m so serious this would be the greatest)

It’s a checklist of risk of being killed developed by researchers of DV. Not sure who or when, exactly.

I’m STILL cackling from that tweet.

Yes, you are right; harming kids or pets is on the lethality checklist. Increases likelihood the monster is gonna kill their victim at some point. Drug use, owning weapons, choking, and other things are on that list, too.

You nailed it. She didn’t fit the schematic of abusive spouse so many of us have in our minds. Unfortunately, she also didn’t fit the police or DA’s schematics, either.

Yeah seriously that corruption crap is stuff spoken by someone who has very little to lose in a Trump presidency. So most likely a straight white man, or close to it.

I agree. It’s also true that no matter how many images of her there are daily where she’s beaming or hugging people, our cultural filters have a blind spot and continue to make us believe she’s cold. I met her, very briefly, during her senate run in NY 15 or whatever year ago. She came to my university. She was an

I concur. I have to handle them four separate times every day because I’ve got a dog with a chronic illness who is difficult to administer meds to unless you push the pills into a slice of banana.