Boop The Patriarchy

Took a couple years and a lot of therapy but I’m fine now. Thank you. It was weird--she would beat me up all the time and I made excuses for it, but when I caught her hurting the dog, in a sort of systematic way, like a ritual that had been going on for a long time, the full horror of EVERYTHING washed over me and I

My ex wife (I am a lesbian) abused me for years and I believed her excuses that it was because she was drunk or stoned or whatever. In reality, most people can consume substances like that without becoming abusive, so it’s not an excuse people should be making for Brad.

Now that we know she has pneumonia can we all just appreciate for a moment what a complete BADASS a person in their late 60s would have to be to stand in oppressive heat at an emotionally distressing ceremony for 90 minutes while struggling to breathe, experiencing dehydration and possibly a fever, after a million

Didn’t TAL do an episode (or segment) about the inescapable hell that is bedbugs? I could swear Glass is how I learned what a nightmare bedbugs are, and how impossible they are to get rid of.

As soon as I saw that rainbow giraffe image I tasted that gum! I chewed empirically too much of it as a child.

I was a strong supporter of Poppy Bush when I was 5 because I liked his name. I was also a huge fan of the athlete Darryl Strawberry for the same reason.

Got it, so you’re a dude. An angry, disempowered blowhard, at that. I was pointing out that your language, as in, rhetoric, as in choice of words and syntax, was sexist. You then had a total meltdown and spoke to me REALLY inappropriately, while simultaneously missing my whole entire point. I have no interest in

HRC is refusing an interview with Jez because of hurt feelings about what “she considers a huge betrayal,” huh. Maybe it’s all those lady feelings getting in the way of her judgment. If only she could be rational and level-headed like Bernie and other menz.

Right? You don't need to convert to get challah, everyone.

I am not answering for Mr. Ally, of course, I don’t know why he converted, but I just want to make sure Jewish ethnicity and Judaism don’t get conflated here. Most Jews in the world are not religious (i.e. do not practice Judaism), Jewishness is an ethnicity that is not matrilineal, it’s inherited the same as any

I still don't understand how that works. Usually I am but sometimes not. What does it MEAN

Thank you for jumping on that one so I didn’t have to lol

I’m a lesbian, and I’m not, so...just sayin, guy...;-)

I'll tell my trans women friends that you think they're female men and we'll see who they think is the transphobic one.

Haha omg sorry to bum you out. Fwiw I only know about it because I have the human version and most of the cases are not that bad (and because in humans it’s called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome I insist on calling my illness Rubber Puppy Syndrome).

Did you know there’s a dog condition called Rubber Puppy Syndrome?

Or maybe it’s not fucking funny? Most of my family was tortured and killed by Hitler. Literally MOST. And antisemites all over the Internet actually say “Hitler was right” on the daily. Also, when my ex used to beat the shit out of me, just a few years ago, she would call me a “dirty Jew” and say that Hitler left some

Hey there! Wtf is up with your handle?

Anything anyone ever says that includes the phrase “sugar tits” makes me laugh out loud with delight.

My lesbian ass immediately interpreted this hey phenomenon you speak of to mean the guy, freshly “de-jizzed,” suddenly remembers the hole he was penetrating belongs to a human person and is like oh, hey. Forgot you were here!