Boop The Patriarchy

I totally agree. I was once dating a guy who just out of the blue hit one of my cats really hard in a fit of frustration and I broke it off right then and there. Not that children and cats are totally the same thing but they were *my* babies and still are and it was never will I ever tolerate type of thing for me.

I refuse to star this. But it was tempting.

it’s possible not to be a 1st incident

Similar trajectories even. People saying Heard was insensitive (to put it mildly) for filing for divorce so quickly AND so soon after his mother passed. Then lo and behold there are abuse allegations. Which makes her speedy decision understandable.

I had multiple people here say that to me yesterday... as if it were somehow all on her for that and he just couldn’t possibly have kept it in his pants because penises have to fly free or something.

Back when I was convinced that this country would NEVER elect a loudmouth, stupid, clueless, stupid, racist, stupid, bloated, stupid, lying, stupid man, everything was fine.

Anybody else finding themselves sighing frequently, not enjoying things, like ice cream, as much, constantly feeling on the verge of unexpected violent tears? Anyone else get queasy when they turn on the news, cynical when they open their Facebook and wary when strangers start talking in a doctor’s waiting room that

Haven’t watched the video and didn’t read the article. I’m just gonna go ahead and guess she used a crow bar and duct tape.

Rev. Faith Green Timmons, 2016

I guess I don’t really understand why he was there. He was invited, for some reason? Or maybe she invited him, just so she could shut his inevitable shit-show down.

Can we get her to moderate the debates?

Or, you know, don’t use the stickers? I mean I get it. Apple rushing to jump on the post-Millennial desire to turn every form of communications into a vandalized Trapper Keeper sucks. And the animations/stickers are fun for about 20 seconds for those of us who have an attention span longer than the average GIF.

I’ll admit. The first thing I drew was a dick.

The only time I update my phone is when I accidentally hit Update instead of Not Now.

Thank you for posting this. My friend and former colleague Dr. Paul Ambrose was on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, and his loss was so deeply felt by everyone who knew him.

9/11 anniversaries are tough for me. I’m a New Yorker (and have my 9/11 story). Between attention seeking politicians and millenials who don’t really understand what happened (and maybe a fear of the simmering emotions), I dread 9/11s forever more. I usually can’t wait for 9/12.

Also in her defense I passed out while jogging when I was 20 years old and went to the hospital in a ambulance and the issue was that I didn’t hydrate enough before heading out. She’s 68 and has been campaigning for over a year and it was hot and emotional and standing for 90 minutes and she’s wearing a damn pantsuit

My evil pit bull lived twelve years. RIP Muscle-Butt 2000.

I’m so sorry to hear that and I understand completely. I love my dog and would be very sad if he were gone but would definitely be interested in a less crazy model that would allow for houseguests. :)

Poor doggy. :( I’m glad he has you. I always try to remind my dog that if he didn’t have us, he’d be dead because no one would put up with his bullshit. Too bad he’s not fluent in English.