The star of the last twenty minutes of this video is impeccable and inspiring. Do they give Emmys for rickroll videos?
The star of the last twenty minutes of this video is impeccable and inspiring. Do they give Emmys for rickroll videos?
Is it just me or is she totally charming to everyone? I find her so likeable and warm. I feel like she would be an awesome friend.
I for one am done giving people a pass for shitty stuff just cuz they did it a long time ago. I managed to get through college without applying a claw hammer to someone’s nuts. It’s a low bar.
Co-sign. The cold in the Chicago area has gotten to me a lot this year. I’m sick of wearing my winter coat.
No. Unless they were exceptionally terrible and a complete asshole, you should always tip at least 20%. I mean, what if the restaurant was busy? What if the server was new? Or if they had a bad day? Or were distracted? What if they made an honest mistake?
It’s not like any other person working any other job gets paid…
The problem, though, is that in the US, at least, tips shouldn’t be considered “rewards.” They are labour costs put directly on the customer, rather than being bundled in with the price of the food. Even when I have a shitty day at work I still make the same amount I always do, because my labour costs haven’t been put…
Same here. I did click, though, and for anyone who would rather not, Bill O’Reilly’s tweet says this:
Could be worse. “Daaaaadyyyyy!”
Source? That’s a pretty serious accusation to just casually throw out.
I know, vaping makes you look like a tool. But goddamn it! I miss smoking!
Is vaping worth it? I used to smoke and some days I miss it so much I want to tear my face off. But I want the whole experience, the weight of the cigarette between my fingers, the scratch in my throat when I take the first drag and the deep satisfaction of blowing out a big glorious cloud of smoke. Vaping doesn’t…
If people are stabbing him, the security’s not working!
At first I was surprised Feldman had security with him...but I guess if people are stabbing him, it’s a prudent choice.
An insult to catcher’s mitts. And probably hepatitis.
Guessing she’s seen some shit. And that she prefers to get revenge when you least expect it.
I forget sometimes that even though she has amassed more wealth than I will ever see, commands a legion of followers and is part of one of Hollywoods it families(as awful as that is to type). That Kylie Jenner is a young woman with a history of body issues and is also now navigating the world with a child. Whether she…
Hey, sorry, I don’t mean that to you at all. I think that not everyone can afford “slow” fashion or ethical fashion is terrible or in the wrong. By no means is that what I’m saying.
What I am saying is that it’s frustrating that we’re blaming people who are trying to help the problem instead of pointing to things (like…
WTF this has been one wild ride through your comments.
LOL, is this a FB ad? You lost me at “nor would I recommend that any Facebook user take a hiatus from using it”. As if FB were essential to living. It’s not.
The least he could have done is ask the permission. You know, like the hundred of thousands of professionals who film documentaries about Japan in the past. Self-proclaimed “Youtubers” are just idiots with cameras.