
Well, anyone who’s ever spent time in Philly knows the horror of the bathrooms at Dirty Frank’s. After banging in both of those, I decided to top myself by banging a guy in the alley out back. (Mind you, these bangings were spread out over several years, obviously I’m a very classy gal). But I don’t think it gets much

During the summer between my sophomore and junior year of high school, I got a job at a meat packing plant. My job was shoveling the scraps, fat and bits that the workers trimmed of the carcasses into big huge stainless steel carts that would dump into a huge grinder. An older chubby woman (30's) flirted with me,

Sorry, but no. I’m a woman and this was 2001. My driver couldn’t have NOT seen me. My feet were pressed up against the ceiling.

I got fingered at 3 am in the back of a rickshaw in Delhi, India after the end of a giant outdoor wedding. I will never forget the smell.

What's sex lol.

Seriously. He makes great cookies.

Ah, the classic WTF am I supposed to do with this stupid thing situation. 

I’d been on a couple very lovely dates with a lovely man. We were going to Netflix and Chill and went to a liquor store to grab some drinks before heading to my place. We split up to go pick out our respective drinks and he returned with.... Mike’s Hard Lemonade LIGHT. I feigned period cramps when we got back to my

Dumped a guy over his heavy Boston accent. I just couldn’t handle the way he would talk during sex, saying “Oh my gawd, ya tits are ahwsome!”. It was like banging Ted.

I totally agree with you, but it was kind of worth it just to hear “I fucked in a windmill and Jesus still loves me” 

Just gals bein' pals.

I hope this creepypasta gets the movie treatment.

This is seriously the best thing I have ever read on Jezebel. 12/10

I met a queerpunk art freak dude at the Ramrod in Boston back in the 90’s. His name was Luther. Red flag right there.

Tell Us About a Horrifying Thing Your Fuck Buddy Has in Their Home

Your cavity, my cavity, Elba is designed for everyones cavity!

I want to go to the Gathering of the Juggalos but my friends think that’s insane and I sure as shit am not going solo

My father left us when I was six and my mother didn’t care to take care of our beagle Tippy in addition to my brother and me. So in a twist on the thing that OTHER parents tell their kids to spare their feelings, my mom told us that Tippy was hit by a car and killed. But she really gave him to someone she knew who had

They are em-bare-ass- ing!