
Uhh, Steve? I think there is an adage about stones and glass houses that applies to you here...

Warner Brothers investigated Warner Brothers and found that nothing bad happened at a Warner Brothers job-site, clearing Warner Brothers of any wrongdoing.

*pushes up glasses*

Is it terrible that, in all the chaos of the clusterf*ck that is the Trump Administration, I completely forgot that Governor Goodhair Perry is our Energy Secretary? I’m actually more shaken by the reminder that this dumbass is still in government than I am by his idiotic statements.

Rick Perry is so mind numbingly dumb. He’s not fooling anyone with those glasses. The lights are on but no one’s home.

TBH this is really what men think when they see it

I hope it turns out like those crazy kids, Mudasir and Asif. Who doesn’t like a good old-fashioned Friendship Regain?

He is pure sex. And so tall. *le sigh*

Chris Hemsworth as Kevin

OMG this is hilarious, what bands do Marine Le Nazi and Theresa May(be a giant bitch) hate??

Well to be fair, if your daddy came to events dressed as Captain Crunch, you’d think everything was a circus too.

Be careful with WWII puns; it’s not for a wide audience, and not everyone Goebbels them up when offered...

Every Saturday is D-Day for me, because young American men keep falling into my bush and crying about it.

Whenever Demi was stressed she did meth, so yeah, stress caused her to lose her teeth.

Also smoking. Smoking is a big factor in gum disease and losing teeth.

Bulimia can also do a number on teeth

Whenever I’m stressed I have dreams about my teeth falling out and now I’m going to be even more stressed that my teeth are actually going to fall out.

My mother had a very stressful event in her life (kidnapped). After the whole ordeal was over including his trial, most of her teeth fell out. She was so stressed her gums basically loosened, the teeth came out. It even effected her skin texture she looked older than her age, about 10 years older after it happened.

For years Demi was touting a VERY restricted ‘health’ diet so I’m suspecting this may be due less to stress than to poor nutrition.