
I’m shocked that Jameis Winston was somehow supplanted as the worst Seminole.

I’ll call and raise you ‘Time Enough At Last’.

I’d say To Serve Man is possibly more famous.

Lillard was just 2 for 8 in the first half, then hit 11 of 15 shots in the final two quarters, going 5 of 8 from 3-point territory.

Agent? I believe the correct term is "Parole Officer."

I, for one, can’t wait for him to get on Twitter/Facebook. The accessibility of social media is going to be a really cool thing for him to experience. So cool that he becomes addicted and crosses the street, while staring at his phone, and gets hit by a bus. 

“Get his agent on the line”

It’s English tradition that when picking up a dropped item, one should put it in their mouth for a short period of time. This is seen as a sign of submission and will be appreciated by your Anglo friends.

So your last name is just a happy coincidence? Or do you get right of first refusal on all beer-related articles? 

Why isn’t there a show with Boban and Mozgov where they pal around the country, getting into all sorts of wacky hijinks?!

Typical Republican hypocrisy. I mean, don't criticize someone's pronunciation of Pakistan if you can't even spell Karen. 

The quad urinal one is insane.  Narrow claustrophobia toilet might by my favorite.  WTF?

First you have to buy the tweet dinner.

I don’t know about you, but I ain’t doin’ shit even as we speak!

Bye, son.

Um, I’m pretty sure stealing a QBing job was the central plot of the original Ace Ventura film.

Nice of the team to let Homeless Conor McGregor answer some questions.

Because it’s probably not their defining characteristic as a people. We have incestuous people who will eat fried butter, but it would be offensive to visit a Canadian and be told “Hey, if you’re hungry I can drop some Land O Lakes in the fryer, you cousin fucker.”

Maybe some Burma Shave type signs along the roadside?

Counterpoint the bridge is totally fine. If you can’t drive through it don’t drive through it. Trucks are expected to read the signage and know the heights of their vehicles and if they can’t they’ll get can opened by either our bridge or someone else’s.