Yes, one scenario involved consent and the other didn’t. Glad we could clear this up for you.
Yes, one scenario involved consent and the other didn’t. Glad we could clear this up for you.
She did a terrible thing. Instead of apologizing and trying to better herself, she continues to deny her terrible actions. That makes her terrible.
Out of my family growing up, I think our dad was the only one who *didn’t* play video games, and still doesn’t. My mom was always playing monopoly on Gameboy or SNES, and my sister and I (female) were always fighting over the console RPGs.
Him: You can’t take a joke >:O
If he lacks the mental faculties to be President how come half your party is bitching about he just jobbed them in negotiations? Think long and hard about that, you fucking idiot.
I came here to say the same thing. JVB is looking aged af and he’s not much older than I am either.
Honestly, I’m baffled at the “lol” here. Do you not realize that “technical artist” is an actual job? If that’s the case, then I definitely recommend looking into it - technical artists do some really amazing stuff. Neat shader effects that can have such a massive impact on the visual and emotional quality of a scene,…
Here’s the thing about ai employees. Once they get the work done, and the program is running without flaw, why do you need to keep them on? The idea behind the push for ai is that they can fully do away with their workforce. The people making the ai’s are putting themselves out of work, thinking that they’re simply…
I suppose you think Idris Elba playing a Norse god was “baiting” too. Or James Earl Jones playing King Lear.
Not really, but I can see the red-white-blue Aragorn getting banned.
You’d be surprised. The “I’m not racist but” crowd really didn’t make a showing for this one. However... the “Not even trying to hide my racism” crowd was loud and proud about this one. The n-word alone, and there was a lot of very racist shit posted besides that, vastly outnumbered the “I’m-not-racist-but” responses…
Every actor has worked on bad movies at some point in their career.
This just in- working actor wants to keep working to earn money. In other news, water is wet.
They are definitely going to lose their blue check for this one.
Good “both sides” bullshit.
They’re not artists so much as glorified vultures, continually punishing people for the horrible crime of being famous.
For Harry and Meghan, the case underscores the bald absurdity of not just their demand, but their attempts to rewrite the well-established quid pro quo between paparazzi and stars: we give you attention you want, and you let us pay our rent with the fruits of that labor. It also raised uncomfortable questions about…