The proper term would be a thermonuclear bomb that is started using a fission reaction to kick off a fusion reaction within the hydrogen.
The proper term would be a thermonuclear bomb that is started using a fission reaction to kick off a fusion reaction within the hydrogen.
Obviously Toyota isn’t going to release a hydrogen-powered car with a tank that can just explode when a Mirai driver inevitably crashes their car.
But why male models?
I’m at a point where I don’t think we should be fighting to keep idiots alive any more.
Well, Kelly McGillis’s character in Top Gun was named Charlie, and I didn’t see her surf, so... the logic checks out.
There is the golden rule.
Rape is rape. There is no good rape and bad rape. It is all bad. Rape is not a tool of reformation or an instrument of revenge. We are not Tate.
Here’s hoping he gets thrown into a max-sec prison to spend the rest of his life as someone’s bitch — a punishment that piece of shit so richly deserves.
i mean if he wanted half-assed product they’d have kept rt KA-ZING
They already know whats next. a good chunk of them are about to be joining 10,000 other poeple who got “restructured out” while Randy Pitchford makes a couple dozen million dollars out of the whole thing
As with most mainstream voice over gigs, it’s a recognizable name who can hit all the late night shows and social to promote the film and hopefully hook people going into “I don’t know what Borderlands is, but I like Jack Black, so sure, I’ll see it”
I dunno Zack, kinda feels like you’ve lost track of what joy is in general. Like, this is the kind of overreaction Kotaku used to mock back in its heyday.
I also consider myself to be a Borderlands fan. These photos look about like what I was expecting. It’s not clear from the article why they disappointed you. The vibe of the solo shot is “Lilith has an attitude,” which we all knew. And the vibe of the group shot is, “There’s something in that hole.” They’re not the…
Want the best part of this? It is the same writer, the story is made by the same person that worked on Morbius. They literally rewarded mediocrity
Article Title: “I saw a tiktok and I need to meet my article quota.”
Did... did this “article” time travel from 2002?
You’re commenting twice about this here.
Don’t be a cunt, Doc.
The game was Arkham reskinned for Harry Potter, and the world-building in particular was breathtaking. As for J.K. Rowling, she is a piece of shit. Can’t deny that the woman created one of the best-selling franchises of all times though. I look at it like Michael Jackson, an even bigger piece of shit, but damn he made…