
I know right? I had to double-take and then do a dollar/yen conversion to make sure I wasn’t crazy. But I guess it’s understandable when it’s hand-crafted by an actual blacksmith and could probably be used in combat when the goth-lolis go to war with the ganguros.

In true Nintendo fashion, there should also be a Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Fire.

*foams at mouth* APRIL 12TH APRIL 12TH APRIL 12TH (ロДロ)

I think the point is that you’re, like, a unicorn.

That’d make a great ‘My Face When’

“I FINALLY found a career where my awkwardly-perfectly-aligned face moles really pay off!”

It’s because they are (kind of). Longtime series lead designer Kazuma Kaneko took too working on the story instead of the art this time, though they recycled many of his designs from SMTs past - including characters not used or updated since the SNES or PS1 era, or even skipping the newer design for the old.

When you need to look great and maybe not die from an arrow to the temple.

I’m actually playing through Demon’s Souls for the first time. Having gone through Dark Souls 1 and 2 and Bloodborne I’m finding it a lot easier than its reputation had me believing.

Kim has been “overwhelmed by Kanye’s outbursts” and that they’ve “lost the spark.”

Sorcery. Probably a dab of goat’s blood.

*800 car pile-up behind car* ‘I hope you’re getting this, man!’

Criken does some really great game videos. Not much makes me laugh as hard as him. He’s definitely worth the subscribing.

Those rom-hacks for II and III xD Also, the hell was up with the FFIV guys dancing/bugging the hell out o.O

Reason he dies.

They better be, or I want more Bloodborne =3=

That one was golden. Runner up, “Dude... that’s just fucked up.”