
Of course there was also the 'glitch' only found on the original PS1 NA version of the game where you could steal the Genji armor and Masamune off Elmdor.

Well as long as you don't get radish juice all over your hands and face you should be ok. And if so maybe the radish could cough up some cab money for your time.

Dear god I hope this is true. I've been recognizing/tired of this for years.

So in the end it doesn't matter where you come from, or what language you speak, but as long as you have boobies, peace is possible.

Can't tell if trolling or just trolling :P

Max Payne in Red Dead Redemption in Assassin's Creed III in Bioshock Infinite. Coming soon-ish maybe.

I've been staring at TV/computer screens pretty regularly for as long as I can remember. Yeah, every so often my eyes feel dry; when I was younger they'd even get a tad bloodshot. But I've consistently had better than 20/20 vision in both eyes. So I don't know where the eye strain/permanent eye damage comes from.

I wonder if the color scheme was chosen purposefully, because Africa sure seems bloody. Not a racist remark or belief in a racist undertone here, more that there's lots of instability in the general region. And blood. Lots and lots of blood.

And if all else fails, make sure the female lead gets NO LINES WHATSOEVER.

Only a nightmare if you wake up and see one at your side. Otherwise its just luls :P


How could you love a game that's constantly covered with a thick coat of spray-tan? It was the orangest game ever made.

I am not surprised by this at all. This is Texas. And you don't Tess with Mexas.

... and remember kids, if you don't do what Buddha says, demons will skewer you in the ass and roast you like yakitori! Amen.

Yo dawg, I heard you like fantasy league games.

Could only have been more impotent if you'd made a rubber/glue analogy.


So its like many contemporary Japanese things, like anime. They took in a foreign concept (i.e. Mickey Mouse) and now they've begun the process of making it their own.

Unless you can read, and also have critical thinking skills. 358 days spent with Organization XIII and Sora's memories divided into 2 people.