
"The only way this name could possibly make sense is if there was a comma after "Tactics" and the whole thing was a line of dialogue. And if you were friends with Shrek."

If you played the game to the end it makes sense.

And so the Nigerian Prince also won't be giving any of his money to XCOM despite them having already provided their bank account information, pin codes, and passwords. Such travesty!

And recently in One Piece Sanji nearly died from fatal nose bleeding after seeing the mermaids after having been stuck on an island full of drag queens for two years.


True that sitcoms are bad, but genuinely so. They're usually geared for a lowest common denominator for the largest audience pull. But T&E and like ilk run around screaming, "Look how bad we can be! *tee hee*" Yes, that's the joke. And when they'd parody things like office sensitivity videos it was social commentary,


Woo FF3/VI love. Never hurts to hear more of that.

I knew seeing the trailers that this would be some kind of bullcrap Tim & Eric type of 'forced mediocrity = funny' formula. And I was right! I guess someone exists to enjoy it otherwise you'd think they'd've stopped by now.

I'll admit that while playing GW1 and killing tons of charr and seeing them to be a heartless, dastardly race (even the 'good' charr you meet in EotN) I got a slight aversion/prejudice against them. Though I went ahead and rolled a charr character and that more or less went away. The story is pretty decent.

Ah, Saturday Anime. That takes me back. I probably have VHS' somewhere with recordings from that.

I think its also proof that mathematicians need to put down their abacuses and calculators and go outside and GET LAID.

Sometimes it feels like men are regarded as having this problem or the other.

*Insert female laying eggs then male fertilizing them outside the body jokes here*

I'm kind of on the other end of this. I LIKE RE being a shooter. RE4 was the first one I could really get into. It was creepy but you felt like you were in control. I think that's the difference in where the series is right now in terms of story - at first the T virus was fresh and no one knew what to do about it, so

Peter Griffin, age 105.

So apparently Storm's weaknesses now include claustrophobia and the New York Times Sunday crossword.

Man, between Kotaku and the Anime News Network, you'd almost think that unemployed Japanese person = criminal.

If we're ever attacked by Japanese preteens, we'll totally be ready for them now.

Slow news day, huh Kotaku?