
Though when you play it backwards, it's about a girl who has the ability to magically repair video game peripherals.

Does Japan not make sense? Is the Pope Catholic? Does the banjo get angry at midnight?

"It's unlikely that he'll be showing the world, you know, his keyblade."

Yes, why join a gang when there's a net full of porn right at your fingertips?

If they're up for a challenge, Shin Megami Tensei III or the Digital Devil Saga games. If not, Final Fantasy VII. I still think VI is the better FF, but VII would likely appeal more to someone newer to the series.

I think I can speak for everybody when I say, "FINALLY!".

As offended as we all can be by that particular word, I think there is still one important thing to remember here:

So who's the poor bastard who only got the .68 3DS then?

It's like Maple Story and Little Big Planet had a love child, the spawn of my nightmares. My mind! MY MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINN... /x_x\

And... the Vita stumbles out the gate. Hasn't Sony already had an issue with a new system being too expensive? I'm looking forward to the Vita coming out, but I think it's a bad vibe when at the same time I'm looking forward to a price drop too.

u mad bro

Skyrim/ES fans = "OMG This is so pretentious and ridiculous he's all wrong"


As long as they make sure we don't end up with a Cable-esqe cheezy-beam unlimited combo situation, I think things'll turn out ok.

@Wookielifeday: Which is why it didn't do well - you weren't supposed to get it, or get into it. Scott Pilgrim had a target, and it hit home hard in that audience. And its nice to see something transition to the screen without much compromise (which was my point, I apologize for that being unclear x3; ). That makes

So this cat's disc would give you lots of information on jumping distances and on how exactly your crotch tastes.

SDCC may not rock the box office, but I AM glad SPvTW was able to be made the way it did. And while it might not inspire bean counters to make more like it, it might inspire artists to do so.

I think it was in another Kotaku article where I read what I think is THE most accurate description of SquareEnix, in it's current state:

That just happens to be an iron maiden full of dildos behind her as well.

I guess the Zagons are still hurling meteors at Metaluna.