
"Drake Family Force, Assemble! A Columbian drug kingpin has found the Ruby Monkey Scrotum of Immortality in the lost tomb-city of Monterado le Choda Grande. We've got to get it back!

The result of a baphomet mating with Sputnik.

Nick cage explains how Ghost Rider 2 will mess with people's minds:

Rumor: Uncharted III is going to the beach. And in slingshot bikini-briefs.

@Cin: You're right about striking the balance, but 'evolution' isn't an excuse. Your ability to play and be entertained in a well-paced, balanced fashion is the ultimate importance for games, regardless of intended accomplishments. It could possibly be a step in 'gaming evolution'. But unless they can make it fit

The Japanese have had these for years. Only that they're usually apartments.

Maybe they can *finally* get things started with Kristy Swanson and Luke Perry once again.

"All your theories are wrong. There's a very short, reasonable explanation to everything:

@Pixelologist, Esq.: You can de-flower and then re-flower... and it's like you were never even there!

Well all of this is well and good, but is it really something new? Are you telling me Mario has gone off to stomp down certain peril time and time again to save Princess Peach without ANY prospect of getting to 'shake her tree' later?

@Cin: I mentioned that originally, but took it out for the balance of the comment, if you will. It made it too long and it didn't 'snap' to the point like the shorter one does.

"*yaaaawn* that was a great flowering. Think I'll take a nap now."

It's a cool concept, on paper. I think he missed the point though:

My, how Hercules has fallen. These are sad times indeed.

"Alright kids, it's time for your own epic adventure! Stop your whining, we did ok at your age, a little peril will put some hair on your chest. Now, we've contracted the evildoers to give you a run for your money, as well as set up an elaborate system of arbitrary puzzle traps along the way.

Well, Star Wars has a lot of classic story elements in it anyway. Filial strife is as old as time just about, though the plot twist was well written and timed, as the original trilogy (mostly) was. But I think it's a common enough concept, especial to evoke real-life emotions, that you really can't say its idea-theft

It's culturally indoctrinated formulaic direction run amok!

Spider Man would arbitrarily turn into random DC Universe characters and would teach a group of wayward teenagers the true meaning of Christmas.

Would make an awesome shirt, if its not already.