
I put "deadbeat" in quotes to indicate it was being used ironically. You would probably be surprised at how much more interest I've gotten from girls once I switched from low-paying non-profit work to high-paying private sector work. My looks, sense of humor, and character hadn't changed. Really just the title on my

"Most of the time life hits people in the face, and aspirations become laughable at some point."

I live in DC so my dating pool is about 75% lawyers, aspiring lawyers, or "Don't really know what I want to do so fuck it I'll probably go to Law School" people. And for the most part, they're all kind of looking for someone who rolls in roughly the same league or better where income is concerned.

Men are just as prone to being blinded by the whole "twoo wuv" thing. I count myself among the hopelessly brainless romantics. (Although it's a bit harder to coast on it as a waiting game when men are expected to be the ones doing the approaching and pursuing. It feels more like "What are my odds of hitting a bullseye

"And that women often have to pick between career and family, and men do not."

I don't buy his argument that you need tutorials to teach complex actions. Super Metroid had tons of moves and complex actions. You just learn things a little bit at a time. It barely does tutorials for you. For instance, when you pick up the running charge you land on the ball, it says "You got speed boots. These

You don't need a post apocalypse, you just need to lose your health insurance.

You can work out to improve muscle performance. Unless you're a mover or you work construction there also isn't that much to do that requires you to be super-strong in everyday life.

Your third sentence explains your second. Paleo works BECAUSE it's a difficult way of eating. All it did was eliminate a lot of the temptation to have excess empty calories. If that works for you that's fine, but it's nothing magic about the paleo diet. There is no mechanism here besides simply eating less.

"Basically, PC's ARE next gen already. Next gen consoles = current mid range PC's. It's just that, besides a handful of titles, most games don't take full advantage of modern PC hardware.

The graphics were good, but I was more impressed by the emergent behavior and physics. That's what made me think it's probably next-gen. We are pushing up against the boundaries of how much value better graphics add to game-play. But there is a LOT of improvement to be made in modeling physics, lighting, and AI.

Yeah given that the first accounts of rhinoplasty are from really ancient India I have a feeling she's not quite right.

They developed the features, yes. I'm referring more to the aesthetic of the thing. It looks the same as the X-Box controller.

I prefer to call it the fauX-Box controller.

You know, not one person in a hundered will have a person like that.

If you're thinkin' 'bout my baby it don't matter.

An individual character doesn't need that many hotkeys really. Like I said, I had very little trouble multi-tasking in the 360's version of Torchlight. It's just a different control scheme. I don't actually play any MOBAs, I mostly stick to Starcraft II and what makes that unviable for consoles is the difficulty of

I didn't find it that hard to do stutter-step micro in the 360 version of Torchlight.

X-Men: Legends and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance control pretty much exactly like a MOBA game and they were both on consoles. It's not like Starcraft where selecting things is a huge deal.

X-Men: Legends and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance are basically PvE MOBA games. They're a lot of fun to play with a few friends even if certain tank characters are hilariously overpowered.