@high_and_dry: Wait is this some kind of porn family?
@high_and_dry: Wait is this some kind of porn family?
@stoprobbers: Nah. I want to reply positively too, but I fear that the privileges of my straightness, cisness, and my maleness overrule my coloredness and make me one with THE OPPRESSOR! so my opinion won't count.
@achilleselbow: Spoken like a man who has never been stuck in an interminable meeting and furtively glanced at his watch repeatedly so as to determine exactly how much of his time is being wasted without having to let anyone surmise that he is no longer paying attention.
@YoungLeafedJune: Where did he imply that? It's not a huge stretch to think that someone who is getting an abortion might be prone to needing help to start with.
@fliedlice1: This. Ever since I got my iPad I pretty much stopped watching Hulu. The iPad is just too convenient to watch in bed compared to my laptop and I am not shelling out $10 a month just to be able to use the Hulu app.
@LaComtesse: I like you. You're smart.
@QueKara: Wait. We're setting the bar for being educated at ESL level English now?
@teguri: Not everyone cottons to digital distribution and those that do are often the type to buy games new anyway. AAA titles are always going to be sold physically for the foreseeable future. What has been more effective has been innocuous release day DLC and collectors edition box sets. Which is fine.
@CandlejackDANZA: Aww how cute. Now the tough guy thinks he's grizzled and jaded because he emulates a cliche of a cynic.
@CandlejackDANZA: What about my this naive?
@CandlejackDANZA: Your "can't stand the heat" rhetoric is pretty much standard would-be tough-guy talk. It's just a bit laughable that you think having a tolerance for ignorant shitheels makes you "tough."
@CandlejackDANZA: Ah so the "actual internet" is apparently whatever immature cesspit you feel like hanging out in then? Jesus Ari Schwartz was right. You are insanely solipsistic.
@CandlejackDANZA: LOL @ internet tough guy.
@CandlejackDANZA: No, I just don't troll around with /b/tards. Have fun being 15 years old forever.
@teguri: If your business isn't viable it's not viable. You're not entitled to extort and rent-seek for additional profits to subsidize yourself.
@CandlejackDANZA: Yeah the quality of your character becomes clear when you make it obvious that the only thing keeping you from acting a fool is the consequence.
@CandlejackDANZA: "Worked so far on the internet?"
@teguri: Too fucking bad. A copyright gives you a right to exercise control over duplications of your work. Hence it being a COPY RIGHT.
@teguri: Why? Because you have nothing better to do than seek economic rents on already created property than make a living creating something new?