@teguri: Here's a list of things that should not have markets:
@teguri: Here's a list of things that should not have markets:
@Dragonis: You could argue a lot of things. Most of them are farcical.
@CandlejackDANZA: Generally the personality types that treat women like shit are the same ones that are disrespectful dipshits in general. So eliminate one problem and you've killed two birds with one stone.
@CandlejackDANZA: Who is "we" and what are we "winning?"
@Dragonis: Copyright is a matter of law, not ethics. There is no ethical right to profit from your work. We fabricated the right because we want to incentivize people to produce more.
@Perf3ct_Cha0s: The developer does not have the right to my money for his game any more than a carpenter has a right to my money for buying a house from someone with cabinets preinstalled.
@teguri: The reason they get cheaper as fast as they do is because they have to compete with the used market you know?
@teguri: Irrelevant distinction. If you sell your game you lose the rights to play the game since you no longer have the disc. The ease of reproduction has no bearing on the ethics of resale.
When did we get to a level of entitlement that this is even a topic of discussion.
@xfreeBird: I'm not White, and I second his opinion. Practices that save people's lives trump people's feelings being hurt.
@Vertigo50: Ditto. I don't like having my back to the door in general so built-ins bother me. Sadly, the alternative is to have messy wires dangling around exposed. Conundrums. . .
@BattleMoose87: Aside from FPSes I don't know of many games that remain simplistic throughout. Generally the challenge ramps up as you go through. Actually one of my favorite games of last generation was Rogue Squadron on my Gamecube. There were mission in there that I swear to God were impossible the first play…
@MoreLikeBore-ges: Once again, there is a difference between theoretical benefit and practical benefit. Being enrolled in a class generates reinforcement from a peer group and integrates practice of the discipline into your daily life in a way that making a New Years resolution to go to the gym will not. It's all well…
@BattleMoose87: That's what good level design is for. Look at this analysis of Super Mario Bros 3: [www.significant-bits.com]
@Ravel: Chrono Trigger.
@boots_riverside: WTF? Since when is yoga the place for macho tough-guy talk?
@MoreLikeBore-ges: When you're stretching it takes a fair amount of time before your body and muscles even relax to the point of getting a good, full stretch. To make no mention of needing to balance and breathe as you stretch. It's supposed to condition your body and mind in a holistic way, not fixate on a single…
@vinod1978: Aww I hate troubleshooting issues that switchers have. Computer noobs tend to take to switching well. But people who are really set in their ways just can't accept how simple it gets. They have to over-complicate things. I try to tell them "Just hold Cmd+[the obvious button] and it will go. Have faith in…
@Bender- Yinzers is my destined enemy: A Fortune 500 company? You mean like. . . Apple?
@OgilvyTheAstronomer: . . . I like vanilla ice cream.