@RetiredPartyGrrl: Don't forget race. The OKTrends thing did a study on race preferences and found it to be a very strong factor.
@RetiredPartyGrrl: Don't forget race. The OKTrends thing did a study on race preferences and found it to be a very strong factor.
@xhedgehogx: In DC Verizon is the only service that works in the metro.
@Clutchman83: Ah it's the one where the Krogan keeps on talking and talking and talking . If you hit the renegade interrupt Shepard raises his gun and says "You talk to too much" before firing. He misses and you hear a PING! The Krogan goes "SEE!? The human cannot even hit a simple targ-" then you hear the "hiss" of…
@Saiwyn Hy: Or you could just go whole hog:
@Clutchman83: Whose? Mordin's? I thought Mordin's loyalty quest was great. The acting is really well done and you get a lot of insight into the character. It also involves the best renegade interrupt since "Shepard PAWNCH!"
@MDog: All they missed was the *sniff* before he puts on the sunglasses.
@mangajunky: Especially when you select a response afterwords. It takes Shepard a solid 30 seconds of awkwardly staring before (s)he can say it. (S)He's just as speechless as we are.
@kidfromkor: You have to actually answer the call before you drop your data.
@MacAttack: It won't. Just like LTE won't be. The networks aren't built out enough to be able to support the load a flood of iPhone users would put on it.
@Arken: Bar soap comes in a small, biodegradable cardboard box. Liquid soap comes in larger, non-biodegradable, disposable plastic bags or dispensers.
@Benedinho: Metal is pretty anti-septic if you don't scratch it up.
@blyan is not on fire: Kids can eat liquid soap that squirts on their hands too.
@traumamama: Ditto. Fact is American understandings of what constitutes a "normal" portion of food is completely fucked and these notions are inculcated at a young age. If you want kids to be healthy into adulthood you need to habituate them into eating properly as kids.
@dcdttu: Fewer people.
@t3knomanser: Ditto!
@borno_earth: Tactile feedback and physical input is a pretty big deal for "hardcore" types. It minimizes misclicks.
@i.like.it.without.lag: . . .really now?