
@meowmix: Awwww. Do you. . . do you need a hug?

@MirrorForTheSun: I do love playing games with friends. The only problem is most of my gamer friends are from high school and college and I don't live near them anymore. My only way of playing with them is online.

@barmishmar: If you have a wide face don't wear skinny ties (and vise-versa).

@Dauthi: At the end of the day it's the same shit. It's just people who understand neither science nor theology willing to rail against either some reified notion of "religion" or "science" while listening with uncritical credulity to scientists or priests.

@xhedgehogx: I love it when people use "Ever expanding science" as if "science" is some kind of magic genie that grants wishes.

@xhedgehogx: Dude. This treatment took 38 months and included a period of intense chemotherapy, total body irradiation, a brain biopsy, and a fucking lumbar puncture.

All romance subplots are unavailable as long as you wear that outfit.

@Chrysalis: The Reapers are powerful when they have prep-time and things go according to plan.

@Ethereus: I don't think the first 5-10 minutes of the game count as a "spoiler."

@Thorn14: You do that. Just keep quiet and leave the rest of us alone.

@zelfmoordkonijn: Presumably they want to indoctrinate humanity to be their foot-soldiers as they wipe the galaxy. It makes sense they'd pick the most-badass species out there, which Shepard proved is humanity.

I just realized, is that an IBM Model M Keyboard?

@ghostadv: How weird is it that in the ME universe nobody thinks twice about boinking different species, but being gay is still a thing worth being concerned about. Seriously, you've crossed the species barrier! Gender is relatively minor after that.

LOL. They're watching a Starcraft tournament telecast.

@J.D.Regent: Reeses + marshmallow + graham crackers = teh sex.

@Ineno: It's not hard to host a tournament once someone proves it's viable and creates the market for it. Market's been created, monopolists aren't welcome.

@Ineno: If the founder of the feast gets drunk and starts harassing guests, it's time for him to GTFO. I don't care what he's done in the past.

@zegota: Ditto. In a perfect world e-book readers cost about $50 and have a barcode scanner that automatically downloads the book you scan. (In an even perfecter world we have high-resolution, full-color e-ink too.)