
So I wonder how much real utility publishers add to the book market. Marketting and scouting talent is a big, important part of what they do. But that can be substituted for enthusiast journalism and word of mouth. I guess the copy-editing is big. Graphic design, formatting, typography are big. Plus the general "Here

@Beebus: Thing is that the way MMORPGs work is by making you grind to level up in order to enjoy more content. So the faster and more efficiently you level the more content you actually get to experience. If MMORPGs actually made themselves about the journey rather than the "jump through some hoops to get a treat"

@agentgray: We've reached POST-post apocalypse.

@Aibyouka-kun: I pity people who can only ever seem to muster a capacity of thought when they need to argue for why they're entitled to the sweat of other peoples' labors.

@Aibyouka-kun: You paid for the rights to play the game. Not to broadcast it. Learn2EULA.

@-MasterDex-: Monopolizing the pro-gaming circuit so no other leagues in Korea get to attract any pro-gaming talent. Functionally, KESPA controls how pro-Starcraft tournaments in Korea are handled rather than Blizzard. They control the map pools, they control what kind of peripherals are allowed, they control how

@Aibyouka-kun: Yes. Paying someone to use their product = rape. Makes perfect sense.

@Aibyouka-kun: What's life like in your Marxist paradise where everyone works their asses off every day for no compensation?

@Tim 예종 Hahn: I don't think a lot of Americans realize that KeSpA is run by assholes and Blizzard's entire motivation behind getting rid of LAN support and asserting more control over its product was specifically to break their monopoly. These people all think that everything is all about them.

@DeathByDrum: You realize KeSpA basically blackballs any Korean pro-gamers who play outside its sanctioned tournaments once they sign on right? The reason Blizzard needs to enforce its IP claim is so that the pro-gamers on Blizzard's games aren't bent over by a monopoly league. Blizzard benefits from having a

@-MasterDex-: The entire reason Blizzard forces people to connect to Battlenet is specifically to prevent KeSpA from pulling the shit it pulled with Starcraft I.

About time, video game soundtracks have been neglected for a while even though there are plenty of tracks from video games that are at least as good as grammy winning movie scores:

@romevi04: Same boat of disliking e-readers, but my parents recently got me an iPad and I went to the kindle store and saw the amount of books available for free or dirt cheap.

"An artist's conception of a lake on Titan?" Does taking a picture of a lake on Earth and messing with the hue slider in photoshop qualify one to be an "artist" now?

@Arken: Getting a job isn't easy right now, but for this blogger up there, it's going to be much harder because he has such a shitty, negative attitude.

At some point in my teens I realized that I'm uncommonly careful about my stuff. My CDs don't have smudges or scratches on them. I also learned that most people aren't like me. So their discs have smudges, scratches, cat dander, and whatever other crap on them.

@vinod1978: Dude, I work in International Development. You think I'm not familiar with shit that happens in rural villages? It's the same shit that happens everywhere. And it gets worse as people get poorer.

It's like a certain someone said: "The times they are a changin', and some traditional PC folks feel like their world is slipping away. It is."

@vinod1978: Ok. There is a difference between shit the Guardian says and what's actually going on. They didn't say the penalty was killing they said "This can often lead to community punishments such as honor killings." This is the sound of someone who doesn't know squat about the subject matter struggling to insert